1. 19 - Domugan Construction
    2. 20 - Abaycer Construction Supplies
    3. AC220413_01_Prepacked Family Food Packs to Cotogrande for the STS Odette
    4. BAC Reso as Award to WDC Builders and Supplies (Construction of Waiting Area and Covered Pathway of CIU)
    5. BAC Resolution as Award to Pronet System Integrated Network Solution Inc. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Progra
    6. BAC Resolution as Award_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for SOCPEN Staff
    7. CONTRACT - Ghaffara (Various Civil Works for CRCF LOT 1)
    8. CONTRACT - MINDANAO GLASSWARE GENERAL MERCHANDISE INC - ITB_Supply Packaging and Delivery of Eating Utensils for the Implementation of the 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program - Package 2
    9. Contract to FZI Construction, Parts and Supply (Fabrication and Installation of Cabinets)
    10. Contract to Bernz General Merchandise13th Cycle SFP Lots 1 5
    11. Contract to Bodeguita Enterprises & Services - Supply and Delivery of Raw Materials for the Production of Family Food Packs
    12. Contract to Bodeguita Enterprises and Services 13th Cycle SFP Lot 3
    13. Contract to D Paragon AA Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 8
    14. Contract to Darbs Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 2
    15. Contract to Johanns General Merchandise 13th Cycle SFP Lots 4 6 7
    16. Contract to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Laptop for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Staff
    17. Contract to Macarthus Security Services Security Services for DSWD FO 10
    18. Contract to Mindanao Glassware General Merchandise Inc - Supply and Delivery of Weighing Scale for the implementation of 13th Cycle SFP
    19. Contract to OPNETWORKS Inc Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV
    20. Contract to WDC Builders and Supplies - Construction of Waiting Area and Covered Pathway of CIU
    21. NOA - 12th Cycle SFP Implementation
    22. NOA - Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Crossover Utility Vehicle for DSWD X
    23. NOA - Supply and Delivery of Food Items for BangUn 2022 Lot 1
    24. NOA - Supply and Delivery of Non-Food Items for BangUn 2022 Lot 2
    25. NOA - Various Civil Works (Package 2) Lot 1
    26. NOA - Various Civil Works (Package 2) Lot 3
    27. NOA - Various Civil Works (Package 2) Lot 5
    28. SERVICE AGREEMENT to PLDT INC Primary Internet Service
    29. Service Agreement to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for SOCPEN Staff - PhP 1500000.00
    30. Service Agreement to Pronet System Integrated Network Solution Inc. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - Ph
    31. Service Agreement_Goldcrest Marketing Corp_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment


        ITB 2019

      1. ITB-6008986-Rebidding-of-Purchase-and-Delivery-of-IT-Equipments-for-NHTU-Listahanan-Project-2019
      2. ITB-6009107-Rebidding-of-Purchase-of-Fuel-and-Lubricants-for-2019
      3. ITB-6009165-Rebidding-of-Purchase-and-Delivery-of-Car-Parts-for-DSWD-10-Vehicles-Use
      4. ITB-6026875-Rebidding-of-Security-Services-for-DSWD-Region-10-Office-Centers-and-Sub-Offices-2019
      5. ITB-6043400-Bidding-of-Meals-and-Accommodation-for-DSWD-10-Trainings-for-2019

        ITB 2020

      1. ITB-2020-09-012-Bidding-of-Repair-and-Maintenance-of-Regional-Rehabilitation-Center-for-Youth-Gingoog-City
      2. ITB-2020-09-013-Bidding-of-Repair-and-Improvements-of-DRRMD-Warehouse-and-Covered-Open-Re-packing-Facility
      3. ITB-2020-7079-meals-and-accommodation-for-SFP-meeting-Cum-GAD-100800
      4. ITB-2020-7084-meals-and-accomodation-for-KC-Learning-Session-on-Proc.-Process-297000
      5. ITB-2020-7084-meals-and-snacks-for-RRCY-orientation-on-GAD-84800
      6. ITB-2020-7085-meals-and-snacks-for-RRCY-traning-on-proper-handling-of-CICL-91280
      7. ITB-2020-7087-meals-and-snacks-for-RRCY-mental-health-awareness-and-stress-mngt-100000
      8. ITB-2020-7088-bmeals-and-accomodation-for-KC-monthly-RPMO-meeting-CY2020-180000
      9. ITB-2020-7090-bmeals-and-accomodation-for-KC-PREW-CY2020-kitaotao-Quezon-57600
      10. ITB-2020-7090A-meals-and-accomodation-for-KC-PREW-CY2020-Pantar-Malitbog-Damulog-54000
      11. ITB-2020-7090C-meals-and-accomodation-for-KC-PREW-CY2020-Kibawe-Kalilangan-SanFernando-63000
      12. ITB-2020-7090D-meals-and-accomodation-for-KC-PREW-CY2020-RPMO-CDO-64800
      13. ITB-2020-7098-supply-and-delivery-of-canned-goods-supplies-for-HG-clients-2nd-sem2020-150442
      14. ITB-2020-7099-supply-and-delivery-of-food-supplies-for-HG-clients-2nd-sem2020-229115
      15. ITB-2020-8000-supply-and-delivery-of-meat-supplies-for-HG-clients-3rd-qtr2020-167975
      16. ITB-2020-8001-supply-and-delivery-of-meat-supplies-for-HG-clients-4th-qtr2020-167975
      17. ITB-2020-8009-supply-and-delivery-of-vehicle-parts-for-the-use-KIA-WHITE-XO-D539-66000
      18. ITB-DRMD-Stockpile07282020
      19. ITB-SFP-10th-Cycle07282020

        ITB 2021

      1. 1. ITB NO. GOP20-DSWD-066-A - Procurement of Raw Materials for the Production of Family Food Packs for 2021
      2. 2. ITB NO. GOP20-DSWD-066-B - Procurement of Raw Materials for the Production of Family Food Packs for 2021
      4. ITB-7672083_Simplified 6th Edition of PBDs for Infrastructure Projects(DRMD OPCEN)
      5. ITB-7876274_Completion of 4 Storey Bldg
      6. ITB-7924088_Supply & Delivery of Various ICT Equipment
      7. ITB-7974877_Supply & Delivery of Various Photography
      8. ITB-8014854_Rebidding of SFP 11th Cycle Implementation Lot 3 & 12
      9. ITB-8096945_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various Photography Equipment & Accessories
      10. ITB-8108240_Rebidding of Supply & Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Office
      11. ITB-8166929_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding 2022
      12. ITB-8236619_Security Services for DSWD FO 10, Centers and Sub Offices 2022
      13. ITB-8236651_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Supplies to Centers 2022

        ITB 2022

      1. ITB_0697_Motor Vehicle Rental DSWD FO X 2022
      2. ITB_2022-001 - Auction of Unserviceable equipment and items
      3. ITB_8316273_Various Civil Works (Package 2)
      4. ITB_8386279_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items For Bangun 2022
      5. ITB_8396222_Rebidding of Various Civil Works (Package 2)
      6. ITB_8430717_Bid Docs_Installation, Delivery and Supply of 5 Stops Elevator
      7. ITB_8466128_Supply and Delivery of 1 Unit Crossover Utility Vehicle for DSWD FO 10
      8. ITB_8481313_FY 2022 Janitorial Services of Satellite Offices
      9. ITB_8506660_FY 2022 Security Services for CIU Satellite Offices and Bahay Silungan
      10. ITB_8507010_Rebidding of Motor Vehicle Rental DSWD FO X 2022
      11. ITB_855192_FY 2022 Janitorial Services of Satellite Offices
      12. ITB_8674066_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO10 Centers 2022
      13. ITB_8733125_Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022
      14. ITB_8734297_Rebidding od Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO10 Centers 2022
      15. ITB_8739490_Security Services for CIU Satellite Offices and Bahay Silungan
      16. ITB_8779587_Bidding of Office Supplies for DSWD FO10 2022
      17. ITB_8779668_Supply, Packaging and Delivery of Eating Utensils for the Implementation of the 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program
      18. ITB_8783434_Bidding of Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO10 Centers 2022 - Package 2
      19. ITB_8790705_Bidding of Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 – Package 2
      20. ITB_8802996_Bidding of Supply and Delivery of Welfare Goods 2022
      21. ITB_8813803_Rebidding of Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022
      22. ITB_8818993_Bidding of Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO10 Centers 2022 - Package 3
      23. ITB_8822226_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program 2022
      24. ITB_8838802_Bidding of Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO10 Centers 2022 - Package 2
      25. ITB_8850365_Bidding of Supply and Delivery of Pre-Packed Family Food Packs
      26. ITB_8850387_Meals and Lodging for Pantawid Trainings
      27. ITB_8853015_Rebidding of Meals and Lodging for KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 2
      29. NP_8671036_Supply Delivery and Installation of 4 Stops Elevator System for the 4-Storey Building of DSWD FO X

        ITB 2023

      1. ITB_10013855_Rebidding of Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF (45519000)
      2. ITB_10069325_Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV - August 23 2023
      3. ITB_10201820_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Staff - 31436174.00 - October 6 2023
      4. ITB_10253028_Supply and Delivery of Weighing Scale for the SFP 13th Cycle Implementation - October 23 2023
      5. ITB_10253411_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 14th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program 2024 (EPA) - October 23 2023
      6. ITB_10307068_Supply and Delivery of Raw Materials for the Production of Family Food Packs - 4323350.80
      7. ITB_10330477_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the DSWD FO X Centers (EPA) - November 16 2023
      10. ITB_9183138_Supply Delivery and Installation of LED Wall and Audio System for DSWD-10 Operation Center
      11. ITB_9384194_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for CIU
      12. ITB_9453689_Security Services for DSWD FO10
      13. ITB_9505378_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for BangUn 2023
      14. ITB_9632240_Simplified 6th Edition of PBDs for the Procurement of Goods_Security Services for DSWD FO10
      15. ITB_9656253_Simplified 6th Edition of PBDs for the Procurement of Goods_Motor Vehicle Rental for DSWD FO 10
      16. ITB_9657253_Simplified 6th Edition of PBDs for the Procurement of Goods_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for CIU
      18. ITB_9839931_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 13th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program – Package 2 - JUNE 9 2023
      19. ITB_9844771_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF (45519000) - JUNE 13 2023
      20. ITB_9844771_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF (45519000)
      21. ITB_9881354_Supply and Delivery of AICS Material Assistance (10800000.00)
      22. ITB_9891283_Supply and Delivery of Cell Cards (3916800.00)

        ITB 2024

      1. Bid Forms
      2. INVITATION TO BID (1)
      4. ITB notice to public bid Disposal of Unserviceable Properties 2024
      5. ITB_10474947_Internet Service Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Officesopy
      6. ITB_10567081_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for BangUn 2024
      7. ITB_10642705_Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices
      8. ITB_10693742_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
      9. ITB_10693751_Improvement and Extension of the HRMDD Office
      10. ITB_10708485_Remodeling of a Portion of DRMD Warehouse to RROS and DRCC Offices
      11. ITB_10846853_Supply Delivery and Installation of Various Sound System Equipment for DSWD FO X
      12. ITB_10846874_Meals and Accommodation for DSWD FO X Trainings
      13. ITB_10892360_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
      14. ITB_10914425__Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      15. ITB_10954458_Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      16. ITB_10975996_Supply and Delivery of Laptops for Social Pension Staff
      17. ITB_10998529_Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP - Copy
      18. ITB_11093593_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      19. ITB_11100303_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      20. ITB_11124864_Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff
      21. ITB_11127215_Motor Vehicle Rental Services for DSWD FO X Staff
      22. ITB_11165894_Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP
      23. ITB_11186171_Design and Installation of Generator Set with Powerhouse and Electrical System
      24. ITB_11186180_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP
      25. ITB_11186184_Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff – Package 2
      26. ITB_11326771_Motor Vehicle Rental Services for DSWD FO X Staff FY 2025 (Early Procurement Activity)
      27. ITB_11326779_Full Board Accommodation for Various Training of 4Ps Staff FY 2025 (Early Procurement Activity)
      28. ITB_11326809_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program
      29. ITB_11385201_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for Supplementary Feeding of BangUn Program (Early Procurement Activity)
      30. ITB_11428862_Supply and Delivery of Ready-to-Eat Food Products for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program (Early Procurement Activity)
      32. ITB_11458866_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for Centers FY 2025 (Early Procurement Activity)

        ITB 2025

      1. ITB_11796217_Supply and Delivery of Nutri Combo for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program
      2. ITB_11797470_Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD Field Office X and Sub-Regional Offices
      3. ITB_11827537_Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program
      4. ITB_11884522_Supply and Delivery of Eating Utensils for the Implementation of 15th Cycle SFP
      5. ITB_11884977_Meals and Accommodation for DSWD FO X Trainings FY 2025
      6. ITB_11909874_Supply and Delivery of Desktops for DSWD FO X Staff
      7. ITB_11909972_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for DSWD FO X Staff
      8. ITB_11910734_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF



      1. NP-TFB_10191536_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF - LOT 1 (Construction of Ecumenical Chapel)
      2. NP-TFB_9483300_Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for CIU


      1. NNP_11598407_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program(EPA)


    1. NOA - Avolution (Supply Delivery and Installation of LED Wall and Audio System for FOX AOC)
    2. NOA - D2PRINTS (Printing and Publication of Social Marketing Plan Advocacy of KALAHI CIDSS) LOT 2
    3. NOA - GHAFFARA (Various Civil Works for CRCF) LOT 1
    4. NOA - JB PHARMA (Supply and Delivery of Vitamins for DSWD FO 10 Staff)
    5. NOA - K-I SOLUTIONS (Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for DSWD FO10 2022) LOT 1
    6. NOA - KAJ (Office Supplies for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program 2022)
    7. NOA - LTS (Eating Utensils for the Implementation of the 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program)
    8. NOA - MICROTRADE (Supply Delivery and Installation of Various ICT Equipment) LOTS 1 AND 2
    9. NOA - MINKAY (Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 2 LOT 2)
    10. NOA - Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 2 Lot 1
    11. NOA - Meals and Lodging of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Trainings 2022
    12. NOA - Mindanao Glassware(Eating Utensils for the implementation of the 12th Cycle SFP - Package 2)
    13. NOA - PEARLMONT HOTEL (Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 1 Lot 1)
    14. NOA - STPK (Various Civil Works for RICTMS)
    15. NOA to FZI Construction Parts and Supply (Fabrication and Installation of Cabinets)
    16. NOA to Aguiluz General Merchandise (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lots 20 22 23 24)
    17. NOA to Bernz General Merchandise ((Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lot 6)
    18. NOA to Bestfriend Goodies - Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP
    19. NOA to Bodeguita Enterprises & Services (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lots 4 5)
    20. NOA to CABSCO - Motor Vehicle Rental for DSWD FO X Staff (1)
    21. NOA to Centro Supersales, Inc (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lot 14)
    22. NOA to Darbs Corporation (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lot 10)
    23. NOA to Fil Generators and Services Company - Supply and Delivery of Generator set with powerhouse and electrical system - PhP 7,628,100.48
    24. NOA to Innove Communications, Inc. - Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices - PhP 2,659,794.00 (1)
    25. NOA to JONECO TECH MARKETING CORP - Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Lot 1 - PhP 3,718,300.00
    26. NOA to Japer Frozen Food Trading (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lots 17 18 19)
    27. NOA to Johanns General Merchandise (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lots 3 7 8 9 11 13 15 16)
    28. NOA to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for CIS Staff - PhP 1,387,980.00
    29. NOA to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for SOCPEN Staff - PhP 1,500,000.00
    30. NOA to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff - Package 2 - PhP 1,200,000.00
    31. NOA to Philippine Nutri Foods Corporation - Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP - PhP 2,601,840.00
    32. NOA to Photopro Trading and General Merchandise Co. - PhP 2,256,000.00 - Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Program Lot 3
    33. NOA to Pronet System Integrated Network Solution, Inc. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - PhP 2,236,000.00
    34. NOA to WDC Builders and Supplies (Construction of Waiting Area and Covered Pathway of CIU)
    35. NOA to Zarah's Market Grocery Product - BangUn Food Items Lot 1
    36. NOA to Zarah's Market Grocery Product Distribution (Food items for 14th Cycle SFP EPA Lots 1 2 12 21)
    38. Notice of Award to FZI Construction, Parts & Supply_Improvement and Extension of HRMDD - PhP 1,053,329.10
    39. Notice of Award to Bernz General Merchandise 13th Cycle SFP Lots 1 5
    40. Notice of Award to Bodeguita Enterprises and Services (Food and
    41. Notice of Award to Bodeguita Enterprises and Services 13th Cycle SFP Lot 3
    42. Notice of Award to D Paragon AA Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 8
    43. Notice of Award to Darbs Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 2
    44. Notice of Award to Goldcrest Marketing Corp. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment - PhP 1,099,415.40
    45. Notice of Award to JVS Audio System_Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Sound System Equipment for DSWD FO X_PhP 1,639,455.00
    46. Notice of Award to Johanns General Merchandise 13th Cycle SFP Lots 4 6 7
    47. Notice of Award to Macarthus Security Services Security Services for DSWD FO 10
    48. Notice of Award to OPNETWORKS Inc Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV
    49. Notice of Award to Pearlmont Hotel_Meals and Accommodation for DSWD FO X Trainings_PhP 4,906,650.00
    50. Notice of Award to Philblanc Company - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
    51. Notice of Award to Pronet Systems Integrated Network Solution, Inc _ Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - Lot 2 _ PhP 2,236,000.00
    52. Notice of Award to Wefix Construction)Remodeling of a Portion of DRMD Warehouse to RROS and DRCC Offices_PhP 1,044,204.76
    53. Service Agreememt to Bodeguita Ent
    54. Service Agreement to CABSCO - Motor Vehicle Rental for DSWD FO X Staff.pdf
    55. Service Agreement to Fil Generators and Services Company - Supply and Delivery of Generator set with powerhouse and electrical system - PhP 7,628,100.48)
    56. Service Agreement to Innove Communications, Inc. - Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices - PhP 2,659,794.00
    57. Service Agreement to JONECO TECH MARKETING CORP - Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Lot 1 - PhP 3,718,300.00
    58. Service Agreement to JVS Audio System_Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Sound System Equipment for DSWD FO X_PhP 1,639,455.0
    59. Service Agreement to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff - Package 2 - PhP 1,200,000.00
    60. Service Agreement to Philblanc Company - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
    61. Service Agreement to Photopro Trading and General Merchandise Co. - PhP 2,256,000.00 - Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Program Lot 3
    62. Service Agreement to Zarah's Market Grocery Production_ BangUn Food Items - Lot 1
    63. Service Agreement to to Philippine Nutri Foods Corporation - Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP - PhP 2,601,840.00
    64. Service Agreement_Bestfriend Goodies_Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP
    65. Service Agreement_Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for CIS Staff - PhP 1,387,980.00
    66. Service Agreement_Pearlmont Hotel_Meals and Accommodation for DSWD FO X Trainings_PhP 4,906,650.00


    1. Notice of Failure of Bidding_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF



      1. Notice of Postponement_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program(EPA)

    3. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the DSWD FO X Centers (EPA)
    4. Notice of Postponement (2022-05-26)
    5. Notice of Postponement (2022-06-13)
    6. Notice of Postponement (2023-06-29)
    7. Notice of Postponement_Design and Build of Various Civil Works for CRCF
    8. Notice of Postponement_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (NON-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff - Pre-Bid Conference
    9. Notice of Postponement_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff (2)
    10. Notice of Postponement_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
    11. Notice of Postponement_Remodeling of a Portion of DRMD Warehouse to RROS and DRCC Offices
    12. Notice of Postponement_Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP


    1. NTP - D2PRINTS (Printing and Publication of Social Marketing Plan Advocacy of KALAHI CIDSS) LOT 2
    2. NTP - JB PHARMA (Supply and Delivery of Vitamins for DSWD FO 10 Staff)
    3. NTP - K-I SOLUTIONS (Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for DSWD FO10 2022) LOT 1
    4. NTP - KAJ (Office Supplies for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program 2022)
    5. NTP - LTS (Eating Utensils for the Implementation of the 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program)
    6. NTP - MICROTRADE (Supply Delivery and Installation of Various ICT Equipment) LOTS 1 AND 2
    7. NTP - MINDANAO GLASSWARE GENERAL MERCHANDISE INC - ITB_Supply Packaging and Delivery of Eating Utensils for the Implementation of the 12th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program - Package 2
    8. NTP - MINKAY (Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 2 LOT 2)
    9. NTP - Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 2 Lot 1
    10. NTP - Meals and Lodging of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Trainings 2022
    11. NTP - PEARLMONT HOTEL (Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS Activities FY 2022 Package 1 Lot 1)
    12. NTP - STPK (Various Civil Works for RICTMS)
    13. NTP to Bestfriend Goodies - Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP
    14. NTP to Bodeguita Ent. and Services - BangUn Non Food Items 2024 - lot 2
    15. NTP to Bodeguita Enterprises & Services - Supply and Delivery of Raw Materials for the Production of Family Food Packs
    16. NTP to CABSCO - Motor Vehicle Rental Services for DSWD FO X Staff
    17. NTP to FZI Construction Parts and Supply (Fabrication and Installation of Cabinets)
    18. NTP to FZI Construction, Parts & Supply_Improvement and Extension of HRMDD - PhP 1,053,329.10
    19. NTP to Fil Generators and Services Company - Supply and Delivery of Generator set with powerhouse and electrical system - PhP 7,628,100.48
    20. NTP to Innove Communications, Inc. - Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices - PhP 2,659,794.00
    21. NTP to JONECO TECH MARKETING CORP - Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Lot 1 - PhP 3,718,300.00
    22. NTP to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Laptop for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Staff
    23. NTP to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for CIS Staff - PhP 1,387,980.00
    24. NTP to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptop for SOCPEN Staff - PhP 1500000.00
    25. NTP to Joneco Tech Marketing Corp - Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff - Package 2 - PhP 1,200,000.00
    26. NTP to Mindanao Glassware General Merchandise Inc - Supply and Delivery of Weighing Scale for the implementation of 13th Cycle SFP
    27. NTP to PLDT INC. - Primary Internet Service Subscription of DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices - PhP 3808000.00
    28. NTP to Pearlmont Hotel_Meals and Accommodation for DSWD FO X Trainings_PhP 4,906,650.00
    29. NTP to Philblanc Company - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Common use supplies and Equipment (CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
    30. NTP to Philippine Nutri Foods Corporation - Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP - PhP 2,601,840.00
    31. NTP to Pronet System Integrated Network Solution Inc. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - PhP 2236000.00
    32. NTP to WDC Builders and Supplies - Construction of Waiting Area and Covered Pathway of CIU1
    33. NTP to Wefix Construction)Remodeling of a Portion of DRMD Warehouse to RROS and DRCC Offices_PhP 1,044,204.76
    34. NTP to Zarah's Market Grocery Production_ BangUn Food Items - Lot 1
    35. NTP_Abaycer
    36. NTP_Darbs Corporation - Bangun Food
    37. NTP_Domugan
    40. Notice to Proceed to Bernz General Merchandise 13th Cycle SFP Lots 1 5
    41. Notice to Proceed to Bodeguita Enterprises and Services 13th Cycle SFP Lot 3
    42. Notice to Proceed to D Paragon AA Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 8
    43. Notice to Proceed to Darbs Corporation 13th Cycle SFP Lot 2
    44. Notice to Proceed to Goldcrest Marketing Corp. - Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment - PhP 1099415.40
    45. Notice to Proceed to JVS Audio System_Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Sound System Equipment for DSWD FO X_PhP 1,639,455.0
    46. Notice to Proceed to Johanns General Merchandise13th Cycle SFP Lots 4 6 7
    47. Notice to Proceed to Macarthus Security Services Security Services for DSWD FO 10
    48. Notice to Proceed to OPNETWORKS Inc Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV
    49. Notice to Proceed to Photopro Trading and General Merchandise Co. - PhP 2,256,000.00 - Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Program Lot 3


        RFQ 2021

      1. RFQ-7967207_office supplies for the 2nd quarter 2021
      2. RFQ-7967218_Vitamins for DSWD Employees
      3. RFQ-7975047_for Clients Therapeutic Activity Haven
      4. RFQ-7975062_meals and snacks for DRR workshop
      5. RFQ-7975075_Polo Shirt for DRR workshop
      6. RFQ-7975464_meals and snacks for 3rd Qrt. Psychosocial activity for HG clients
      7. RFQ-7975486_meals and snacks for Orientation on Special Laws Protecting Children HG
      8. RFQ-7975583_repair and maintenance of ISUZO DMAX
      9. RFQ-7975597_meals and snacks for HG Family Day Celebration
      10. RFQ-7981049_meals and snacks for Stress Management Activity and Finding Happiness in the workplace
      11. RFQ-7983192_supply & delivery of office supplies for CIU
      12. RFQ-8005582_meals and accommodation for Mental Stress Debriefing for DSWD FO 10 Staff
      13. RFQ-8005974_supply and delivery of hygiene kit for Social Pension Payout
      14. RFQ-8006208_meals and accommodation for Orientation of NJJWMIS
      15. RFQ-8019897_supply and delivery of alcohol
      16. RFQ-8035601_supply and delivery of various sipplies for Installation of Green Room SMU
      17. RFQ-8035693_meals and accommodation for the conduct of Blended Training on ICMP for Handling CAR & CICL
      18. RFQ-8055728_meals and snacks for Psychosocial Processing for Newly Hired Social Workers (CBU)
      19. RFQ-8055921_RISO of CIU forms for Assessment in Diff. Brgys. of CDO
      20. RFQ-8058118_meals and snacks for Gender Responsive Case Management Training
      21. RFQ-8108879_supply and installation of Entrance Disinfection Entrance Chamber
      22. RFQ-8109199_supply and delivery of furnitures for Bahay Silungan

        RFQ 2022

      1. RFQ_8571867_supply and delivery of office supplies for SocPen
      2. RFQ_8573754_ for negotiated Procurement for Motor Vehicle Rental DSWD FO X 2022
      3. RFQ_8576983_supply and delivery of 4Ps Office Supplies 1st qtr
      4. RFQ_8584583_supply and delivery of T-shirts with collar for CMSWD Focal Person SocPen
      5. RFQ_8584704_meals and accommodation for EPAHP RCT Annual Conference and PREW
      6. RFQ_8584726_meals and accommodation for EPAHP RCT Mid-Year Assessment and Planning Workshop
      7. RFQ_8585031_supply and delivery of PREW advocacy training
      8. RFQ_8585092_meals and accommodation of DRMD to conduct RRP thru CFW PREW 2022
      9. RFQ_8585305_meals and accommodation of DRMD to conduct Staff Monthly Meeting for CY 2022 (Jan-Dec)
      10. RFQ_8585561_supply and delivery of 4Ps Office Supplies 1st qtr
      11. RFQ_8585660_printing of bawal and epal dito campaign
      12. RFQ_8585716_supply and delivery of office supplies for BAC Sec
      13. RFQ_8587916_printing of Kalambuan Stories
      14. RFQ_8588349_meals and snacks for Cap Build of LGU Implementation on Yakap Bayan Program
      15. RFQ_8588378_meals and accommodation for Cap Build of LGU Implementation on Yakap Bayan Program
      16. RFQ_8588406_meals and accommodation for Cap Build of LGU Implementation on Yakap Bayan Program Salay
      17. RFQ_8591158_office rental for 4Ps POO Mis. Occ
      18. RFQ_8591195_office rental for 4Ps POO Mis. Occ
      19. RFQ_8591224_office rental for 4Ps POOCamiguin
      20. RFQ_8592272_meals and accommodation for DRMD QRT MHPPS training
      21. RFQ_8602502_meals and accommodation for Writeshop on the Development of Manual of Operations
      22. RFQ_8603732_supply and delivery of rice for RHW
      23. RFQ_8604776_supply and delivery of office supplies
      24. RFQ_8604794_meals and snacks for SLP meeting (Buk 1)
      25. RFQ_8604818_meals and snacks for Disaster Response Committee Meeting quarterly CY 2022
      26. RFQ_8604838_printin of Coffee Table Book 2022
      27. RFQ_8613757_meals and accommodation for ISO Orientation
      28. RFQ_8613858_RFQ for negotiated Procurement for FY 2022 JANITORIAL SERVICES OF SATELLITE OFFICES
      29. RFQ_8620586_meals for HRMDD monthly meeting (Jan-Dec CY 2022)
      30. RFQ_8620681_supply and delivery of DRMD furniture fixture 2022
      31. RFQ_8620729_consumable for the use of DSWD FO X VEHICLES Motorcycles & Generator
      32. RFQ_8620788_supply and delivery for the production of 2021 coffee table book
      33. RFQ_8620916_meals and snacsk for RSCC Training on Gender and Sensitivity among Center staff
      34. RFQ_8621984_supply and delivery of the RHW Wet and Meat Goods for the 2nd Quarter (NON-CSE)
      35. RFQ_8622024_supply and delivery of the RHW Janitorial and Other Supplies for the 2nd Quarter (NON-CSE)
      36. RFQ_8631505_supply and delivery of garments for the use of the Home for Girls clients 2022
      37. RFQ_8631607_supply and delivery of food items for the use of the home for girls 2022
      38. RFQ_8631757_supply and delivery of meats and meat product for the use of the home for girls 2022
      39. RFQ_8631812_supply and delivery for the 1st Quarter Policy Development and Plans Section Use
      40. RFQ_8638761_supply and delivery of kitchenwares For the implementation of the 180 days feeding program under 2022 BangUn Project
      41. RFQ_8638819_supply and delivery of office supplies and devices For staff use of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program for 2nd quarter of 2022-Non CSE
      42. RFQ_8638871_supply and delivery of CIU Office Supplies for the Regional Director
      43. RFQ_8649685_supply and delivery of wet and meat goods 2nd Qtr 2022 for RSCC Use
      44. RFQ_8649811_supply and delivery of janitorial supplies 2nd quarter 2022 for Home for Girls use
      45. RFQ_8649895_supply and delivery of food items for RSCC use 2nd Quarter 2022
      46. RFQ_8651369_supply and delivery of RHW Groceries for the 2nd Quarter (NON-CSE)
      47. RFQ_8651445_supply and delivery of food supplies for the use of the Home for Girls 2nd Quarter 2022 DR
      48. RFQ_8651505_supply and delivery of wet and meat goods 2nd Quarter 2022 for HG use DR
      49. RFQ_8651581_supply and delivery of food supplies for the use of the Home for Girls 2nd Quarter 2022 DR
      50. RFQ_8656745_meals and snacks for L&D Conduct of Values Formation Training - Be Better Unleashing my Inner Self for Others
      51. RFQ_8657578_meals and snacks for Stress Management and Coping During Pandemic of RSCC Staff
      52. RFQ_8658568_supply and delivery of office supplies and equipment for HRMDD use
      53. RFQ_8658640_advocacy advertising for KCNCDDP-AF Advocacy Proposal CY 2022 -
      54. RFQ_8674538_supply and delivery of SLP ICT supplies and equipment for 2nd quarter 2022
      55. RFQ_8674650_supply and delivery of Covid-19 Antigen Test Kits for FO Staff
      56. RFQ_8674822_supply and delivery of Micronutrient Powder for the implementation of the 180 days feeding program for 2022 under BangUn Project
      57. RFQ_8674884_meals and accomodation for the conduct of BangUn Project 2nd Quarterly Meeting and Capacity Building
      58. RFQ_8674927_supply and delivery of office supplies for social pension 2nd quarter use
      59. RFQ_8674951_supply and delivery of SLP Semi-Expendable ICT Equipment 2022
      60. RFQ_8682557_supply and delivery of CIU office supplies
      61. RFQ_8683076_supply and delivery of wet goods for RRCY 2nd quarter cy 2022
      62. RFQ_8683186_supply and delivery of grocery items for RRCY 2nd quarter 2022
      63. RFQ_8684802_printing of advocacy materials - Advocacy & Success Stories through a Coffee Table Book
      64. RFQ_8686724_meals and snacks for the conduct of cash management and its internal control system seminar for SDOs
      65. RFQ_8686763_supply and delivery of Office Supplies for staff use of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program for 2nd Quarter 2022
      66. RFQ_8693217_supply and delivery of SLP Office Supplies for 2nd Quarter 2022
      67. RFQ_8693385_supply and delivery of bahay silungan 2nd quarter (apr-june) non cse 2022 wet and meat goods
      68. RFQ_8693458_supply and delivery of office supplies for ORD use
      69. RFQ_8693780_supply and delivery of food supplies for the use of ORD 2nd Quarter
      70. RFQ_8694115_supply and delivery of office supplies and equipment for SLP other MOOE 2022
      71. RFQ_8714173_supply and delivery of vehicle parts for the use of POH-126 (ambulance) Toyota Hi-ace and SKF-796 (Toyota Grandia)
      72. RFQ_8715497_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment and devices for office use (RFQ)
      73. RFQ_8715497_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment and devices for office use (TOR)
      74. RFQ_8738780_vehicle rental services for the transport of staff from one area to another within Region X and to areas in LDS for the 180 days feeding under BangUn
      75. RFQ_8740421_supply and delivery of other office supplies for SLP 2022
      76. RFQ_8750067_supply and delivery of office equipment for RSCC Children's use
      77. RFQ_8750131_supply and delivery of toys for RSCC Children's use
      78. RFQ_8754538_supply and delivery of kitchenware and other supplies for RSCC Dining use
      79. RFQ_8762704_supply and delivery of garments for RSCC use
      80. RFQ_8766382_supply and delivery of office equipment for Property and Supply Use
      81. RFQ_8766441_supply and delivery of office equipment for Provincial Office Misamis Oriental use for additional space
      82. RFQ_8766499_meals and snacks for the Players TWG and MANCOM for the upcoming DSWD and AFP Friendship Games
      83. RFQ_8766541_printing of pantawid forms for Pantawid Assessment use
      84. RFQ_8766589_meals and snacks for Field Office Review Committee Quarterly Meeting(3 meetings)
      85. RFQ_8766609_supply and delivery of Drugs and Medicines for RSCC use 3rd Quarter 2022
      86. RFQ_8772077_consumable fuel oils & lubricants for the use of DSWD Vehicles Motorcycles & Generator
      87. RFQ_8792681_supply and delivery of continous paper for the personnel unit section
      88. RFQ_8792730_supply and delivery of office supplies
      89. RFQ_8792872_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LALA CY 2022
      90. RFQ_8792900_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of BACOLOD CY 2022
      91. RFQ_8793050_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of BAROY CY 2022
      92. RFQ_8793118_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of TAGOLOAN CY 2022
      93. RFQ_8793176_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LINAMON CY 2022
      94. RFQ_8793202meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of MATUNGAO CY 2022
      95. RFQ_8793248_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of PANAON CY 2022
      96. RFQ_8793306_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LOPEZ JAENA CY 2022
      97. RFQ_8793346_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of TUDELA CY 2022
      98. RFQ_8794955_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SAPANG DALAGA CY 2022
      99. RFQ_8795007_meal and snacks for BP2P CEAC Municipality of Tubod
      100. RFQ_8795058_meal and snacks for BP2P CEAC Municipality of Gitagum
      101. RFQ_8795110_meal and snacks for BP2P CEAC Municipality of NAAWAN
      102. RFQ_8798063_meals and snacks for RSCC Seminar on Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace-
      103. RFQ_8798140_supply and delivery of Milk supplies for RSCC use
      104. RFQ_8798354_supply and delivery of combi blinds and curtains for RSCC use
      105. RFQ_8798455_supply and delivery of wet goods for RSCC use
      106. RFQ_8798513_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of GUINSILIBAN CY 2022-
      107. RFQ_8798664_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SAGAY CY 2022 -
      108. RFQ_8798683_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of CATARMAN CY 2022 -
      109. RFQ_8798690_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LAGUINDINGAN CY 2022 -
      110. RFQ_8798702_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LIBERTAD CY 2022 -
      111. RFQ_8798707_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of INITAO CY 2022 -
      112. RFQ_8798715_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SUGBONGCOGON CY 2022 -
      113. RFQ_8798725_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of BALINGOAN CY 2022 -
      114. RFQ_8798729_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LAGONGLONG CY 2022 -
      115. RFQ_8798736_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of KAPATAGAN CY 2022 -
      116. RFQ_8798742_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of DAMULOG CY 2022 -
      117. RFQ_8798752_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of DON CARLOS CY 2022 -
      118. RFQ_8799078_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of DANGCAGAN CY 2022 -
      119. RFQ_8799111_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SAPAD CY 2022 -
      120. RFQ_8799143_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of KADINGILAN CY 2022 -
      121. RFQ_8799195_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of KITAOTAO CY 2022 -
      122. RFQ_8799220_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SALVADOR CY 2022 -
      123. RFQ_8799249_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G1-P2 CEAC Activities - Municipality of MARAMAG CY 2022 -
      124. RFQ_8799350_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of ALUBIJID CY 2022 -
      125. RFQ_8799429_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of BAUNGON CY 2022 -
      126. RFQ_8799480_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of SAN FERNANDO CY 2022 -
      127. RFQ_8799522_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of LANTAPAN CY 2022 -
      128. RFQ_8799551_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of MAMBAJAO CY 2022 -
      129. RFQ_8799668_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of MAIGO CY 2022 -
      130. RFQ_8800291_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of MAHINOG CY 2022 -
      131. RFQ_8800312_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of GITAGUM CY 2022-
      132. RFQ_8800330_meal and snacks for KC NCDDP AF G2-P1 CEAC Activities - Municipality of KAUSWAGAN CY 2022-
      133. RFQ_8802242_vehicle rental services for DSWD FO10- 550,000.00
      134. RFQ_8802392_vehicle rental services for DSWD FO10-200,000
      135. RFQ_8802907_supply and delivery of medicines for RRCY 4th quarter CY2022
      136. RFQ_8803223_supply and delivery of medicines for RRCY 3rd quarter CY2022
      137. RFQ_8810140_supply and delivery of Commercial Rice for RHW 2nd Quarter
      138. RFQ_8810238_meals and snacks for RHW 3rd Quarter Psychosocial Therapeutic Activity
      139. RFQ_8810401_supply and delivery of Drugs and Medicines for Home for Girls use 4th Quarter
      140. RFQ_8810674_supply and delivery of garments for HG clients
      141. RFQ_8811007_repair of Isuzu Forward SKF786
      142. RFQ_8811045_Repair of Ambulance POJ-593
      143. RFQ_8811095_Repair of Isuzu D-Max SKD-272
      144. RFQ_8811111_Repair of Land Rover SLC 833
      145. RFQ_8811161_meals and snacks for RHW 4th Quarter Psychosocial Therapeutic Activity
      146. RFQ_8811182_supply, delivery and installation of Combi Blinds for DRMD Office Improvement
      147. RFQ_8811248_supply and delivery of Appliances for CIU use
      148. RFQ_8818527_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RRCY 2nd Semester
      149. RFQ_8822925_Repair and Maintenance of Ford Ranger SFH-144_ Mitsubishi L300 SBY-107 and Hino Wing Van 1312-433446
      150. RFQ_8822931_supply and delivery of construction supplies for RRCY
      151. RFQ_8827643_supply and delivery of electrical and other supplies for HG use
      152. RFQ_8827956_supply and delivery of ingredients and tools for Food Processing of HG
      153. RFQ_8828334_supply and delivery of Common Use Supplies for Bahay Silungan and RSCC
      154. RFQ_8828383_repair and maintenance for Toyota Hilux with Plate No. SEK-208
      155. RFQ_8837276_meals and snacks for the conduct of cash management and its internal control system seminar for SDOs
      156. RFQ_8837552_supply and delivery of food supplies for HG use 2nd quarter 2022
      157. RFQ_8847788_advocacy materials for the Training on DROMIC Reporting Guidelines and Protocols
      158. RFQ_8850168_meals and snacks for the conduct of PPD Section Heads Meetings_ RICTMS Meetings and PPD Meetings
      159. RFQ_8853228_supply and delivery of Pallet Jack for the Warehousing Operations of DRMD-RROS
      160. RFQ_8853288_supply and delivery of Covid-19 Antigen Test Kits for FO use 3rd and 4th Quarter
      161. RFQ_8853377_supply and delivery of Toner for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program 4th Quarter
      162. RFQ_8853827_supply, delivery and installation of Cabinets for DRMD Office Improvement in Compliance with 7s
      163. RFQ_8853903_Meals and snacks for AICS Meeting (July-December 2022)
      164. RFQ_8858069_meals and snacks for the Conduct of BangUn Project Trainings
      165. RFQ_8859302_supply and delivery of office supplies for Social Pension 2nd Sem Use
      166. RFQ_8861118_Meal and Snacks for the Conduct of Human Resource Committee Conference CY 2022
      167. RFQ_8861202_supply and delivery of Toner for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program 3rd Quarter
      168. RFQ_8861562_supply and delivery of Other MOOE of HG
      169. RFQ_8861650_supply and delivery of walking mobility aids for PWD Clients

        RFQ 2023

      1. RFQ-10021497_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for PSD-AICS
      2. RFQ_ 10321271_Supply and Delivery of Sala Set etc for RJJWC-X Support to BPA Project in Pag-asa Youth Home Ozamiz City
      3. RFQ_ 10324020_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP Year-End Program Assessment
      4. RFQ_ 10373356_Supply and Delivery of Rock End Rod etc for Totoya Commuter 1312-445586
      5. RFQ_ 10417159_Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV Materials for RJJWC X for the implementation of the Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      6. RFQ_ 10442628_Proposed Service Car Lifter for RSCC
      7. RFQ_ 9530879_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for DSWD Anniversary P284000
      8. RFQ_10008639_vehicle rental services for BangUn
      9. RFQ_10016147_Rehabilitation of Kitchen Sink and Kitchen's Burner Counter for Bahay Silungan
      10. RFQ_10016722_Meal and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF Quarterly Cluster Meeting (Cluster 1) Mis.Or. East & Camiguin
      11. RFQ_10016793_Meal and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF Quarterly Cluster Meeting (Cluster 3) Mis.Or. West and LDN
      12. RFQ_10020538_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP Staff
      13. RFQ_10021385_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for HRPPMS use
      14. RFQ_10021459_Supply and Delivery of Printer and Laptop for RRCY use
      15. RFQ_10021528_Vehicle Rental for the Cash for Work Implementation for DRMD-RROS
      16. RFQ_10021568_Repair and Maintenance Air-conditioning Unit and Sound System for GSS
      17. RFQ_10021605_Supply and Delivery of Amplier etc for Conference room use for GSS
      18. RFQ_10021664_Supply Delivery and Installation of 1.5 HP Split Type Aircon Inverter for RICTMS
      19. RFQ_10021871_Supply and Delivery of Camera Stand etc for RICTMS
      20. RFQ_10022067_Supply and Delivery of Garments for RRCY
      21. RFQ_10022220_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Meat Products for 2nd Semester 2023 for RRCY
      22. RFQ_10022319_Supply and Delivery of Tailoring Equipment for RHW
      23. RFQ_10022745_Supply and Delivery of Utility Bowls etc for Food Processing Skills Training for RHW
      24. RFQ_10022796_Catering Services for EPAHP Program Caravan and One-Stop Shop Activity
      25. RFQ_10022920_Repair and Maintenance for Mitsubishi Montero SKM 131
      26. RFQ_10025859_Supply Delivery and Installation of Local Area Network (LAN) thru Structured Cabling and Wifi in Bahay Silungan
      27. RFQ_10027977_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      28. RFQ_10028029_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for SKM 131
      29. RFQ_10031764_Supply and Delivery of Kitchenware and Others for RSCC
      30. RFQ_10031968_Supply and Delivery of Money Safety Vault for AICS
      31. RFQ_10032325_Supply and Delivery of Grinder etc for GSS Stock file
      32. RFQ_10032582_Supply and Delivery of Electrical supplies for GSS
      33. RFQ_10032688_Supply and Delivery of Office Furnitures for PS
      34. RFQ_10044589_Repair and Maintenance of Montero Sport SHJ-512
      35. RFQ_10044688_Supply Delivery Installation and Configuration of Software Application for RICTMS
      36. RFQ_10052919_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula etc for RSCC
      37. RFQ_10064012_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF CV Congress CUM Regional Bayani Ka Awards 2023
      38. RFQ_10064109_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP Technical Session
      39. RFQ_10064213_Supply and Delivery of IT Equipments (Package 23-0001-PMNP-R10)
      40. RFQ_10064752_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCCDP AF Staff Development and Program Benchmarking
      41. RFQ_10073095_Supply and Delivery of Sterilized Fresh Milk for Mahinog Camiguin
      42. RFQ_10073331_Supply and Delivery of Tokens for BangUn Third Interagency Consultation Workshop of BangUn Partners
      43. RFQ_10073419_Supply and Delivery of Sterilized Fresh Milk for Sagay Camiguin
      44. RFQ_10073472_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Magsaysay Lanao Del Norte
      45. RFQ_10073524_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Salvador Lanao Del Norte
      46. RFQ_10073558_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Sapad Lanao Del Norte
      47. RFQ_10073606_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Sultan Naga Dipmaporo Lanao Del Norte
      48. RFQ_10073639_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Tangkal Lanao Del Norte
      49. RFQ_10073668_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Balingoan Misamis Oriental
      50. RFQ_10073697_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Binuangan Misamis Oriental
      51. RFQ_10073722_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Kinoguitan Misamis Oriental
      52. RFQ_10073751_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Lagonglong Misamis Oriental
      53. RFQ_10073797_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Magsaysay Misamis Oriental
      54. RFQ_10073859_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Medina Misamis Oriental
      55. RFQ_10073900_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Salay Misamis Oriental
      56. RFQ_10073939)Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Baliangao Misamis Occidental
      57. RFQ_10073976_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Calamba Misamis Occidental
      58. RFQ_10074010_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Concepcion Misamis Occidental
      59. RFQ_10074034_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Lopez Jaena Misamis Occidental
      60. RFQ_10074075_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Oroquita City Misamis Occidental
      61. RFQ_10074103_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Panaon Misamis Occidental
      62. RFQ_10074132_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Sapang Dalaga Misamis Occidental
      63. RFQ_10074153_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Sinacaban Misamis Occidental
      64. RFQ_10074173_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Catarman Camiguin
      65. RFQ_10074191_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Guinsiliban Camiguin
      66. RFQ_10074201_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Talisayan Misamis Oriental
      67. RFQ_10074214_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Sugbongcogon Misamis Oriental
      68. RFQ_10074226_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Alubijid Misamis Oriental
      69. RFQ_10074236_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Gitagum Misamis Oriental
      70. RFQ_10074247_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for El Salvador City Misamis Oriental
      71. RFQ_10074263_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Languindingan Misamis Oriental
      72. RFQ_10074274_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Libertad Misamis Oriental
      73. RFQ_10074285_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Manticao Misamis Oriental
      74. RFQ_10074297_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Naawan Misamis Oriental
      75. RFQ_10074312_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Kauswagan Lanao Del Norte
      76. RFQ_10074324_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Linamon Lanao Del Norte
      77. RFQ_10074332_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Maigo Lanao Del Norte
      78. RFQ_10074343_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Matungao Lanao Del Norte
      79. RFQ_10074358_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Pantar Lanao Del Norte
      80. RFQ_10074371_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Aloran Misamis Occidentalxls
      81. RFQ_10074379_Supply and Delivery of Pasteurized Fresh Milk for Tagoloan Lanao del Norte
      82. RFQ_10080141_Supply and Delivery of Office Furnitures for 4PS
      83. RFQ_10080252_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for 4Ps
      84. RFQ_10080337_Repair and Maintenance for DSWD Vehicle Land Rover Defender SLC 833
      85. RFQ_10080509_Supply Delivery and Installation of Passenger Seat for the POC 493 Ambulance Toyota Hi-Ace
      86. RFQ_10080745_Repair and Maintenance for DSWD Vehicles K-2500 (XOD-539)
      87. RFQ_10080797_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for SKF 786 Isuzu Forward
      88. RFQ_10083934_Supply and Delivery of Tokens for CV Congress CUM Regional Bayan Ka! Awards 2023 for KC-NCDDP-AF
      89. RFQ_10084504_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Microsoft OS for SLP Staff
      90. RFQ_10084622_Repair and Maintenance of Mitsubishi Montero SHJ-512
      91. RFQ_10086874_Supply and Delivery of Office Table Chiar and Drawer for SLP
      92. RFQ_10086901_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP Program Assessment
      93. RFQ_10086927_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Technical Session for local CDD institutionalization Promotion
      94. RFQ_10101012_Vehicle Rental Services for SLP 1st Semester Usage (Consumable)
      95. RFQ_10101183_Vehicle Rental Services (Consumable) for GSU
      96. RFQ_10101230_Vehicle Rental Services 1st Sem usage (Consumable) GSU
      97. RFQ_10101264_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Technical Session for Regional Bayani Ka! Awards 2023
      98. RFQ_10101627_Vehicle Rental Services (Consumable) for GSU
      99. RFQ_10102413_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for Regional Field Monitoring of SFP Implementation
      100. RFQ_10102734_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps additional for POO and MOO 2nd Sem
      101. RFQ_10102804_Supply and Delivery of RISO ink and Master Roll for 4ps SWDI forms printing
      102. RFQ_10102877_Repair and Maintenance of 1312-433446 HINO WING VAN TRUCK
      103. RFQ_10102957_Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for 4ps POO and MOO 2nd sem
      104. RFQ_10107662_Supply and Delivery of Money Safety Vault for AICS Satellite Offices
      105. RFQ_10107786_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RSCC 2023
      106. RFQ_10114022_Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for 4ps Printing of SWDI Forms
      107. RFQ_10115340_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Planning Monitoring And Evaluation Technical Session
      108. RFQ_10115402_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-Out Training on the Participatory BDP (LDN 3)
      109. RFQ_10115528_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for ORD
      110. RFQ_10134145_Catering Services for HR-Welfare for DSWD 10
      111. RFQ_10134244_Repair of Photocopier Model 3510i in the ICTMS and Pantawid Division
      112. RFQ_10134291_Supply and Delivery of Plaques forfor Recognition to LGUs with Improved Functionability for TAAORSS
      113. RFQ_10145966_supply delivery and installation of Laptop and Microsoft Office
      114. RFQ_10146119_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RRCY 2nd Semester
      115. RFQ_10146198_radio program slot-session for spreading awareness of the sustainable livelihood program
      116. RFQ_10146292_supply and delivery of various printing materials for SLP
      117. RFQ_10159175_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture (Customize Cabinets) for Pantawid Pamilya C MOO staff Mis.Or
      118. RFQ_10159320_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture (Customize Cabinets) for Pantawid Pamilya C MOO staff Camiguin
      119. RFQ_10159471_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture (Customize Cabinets) for Pantawid Pamilya C MOO staff Lanao Del Norte
      120. RFQ_10169302_1 Meal and 1 Snack for SOCPEN Elderly Filipino Week with Inter-Agency Coordination Activity
      121. RFQ_10173604_Supply and Delivery of Corporate Gift Set for Partners and Stakeholders for KC-NCDDP AF
      122. RFQ_10175500_SMU Printing and Production of Advocacy Kits
      123. RFQ_10175550_Supply and Delivery of Watercloset etc for GSS Warehouse Supply Improvement of DSWD FO X
      124. RFQ_10175594_Supply and Delivery of Cermic Tiles and Washed Sand for RRCY Tile Setting at Homelife Building 2nd Floor
      125. RFQ_10175643_Supply and Delivery of Plumbing Fixture and Door Replacement for RRCY
      126. RFQ_10175715_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RSCC
      127. RFQ_10183517_Meal and Snacks for RJJWC-X- Life &b Livelihood Skills Training for BPA Residents of Bahay Pag-laum Ginoog City
      128. RFQ_10183594_Meal and Snacks for RJJWC-X- Life &b Livelihood Skills Training for BPA Residents of Pag-Asa Youth Iligan
      129. RFQ_10183655_Meal and Snacks for RJJWC-X- Life &b Livelihood Skills Training for BPA Residents of Bahay Pag-asa CDO Boys
      130. RFQ_10183694_Meal and Snacks for RJJWC-X- Life &b Livelihood Skills Training for BPA Residents of Bahay Paglaum CDO girls
      131. RFQ_10183816_Supply and Delivery of Portable Scanner for CIS-AICS use
      132. RFQ_10183895_Consultancy Services for Capstone Project About Online Processing of AICS Closer to Citizen (OPACC) Project
      133. RFQ_10187525_Suppy Delivery and Installation ofr Air Conditioning Unit for AICS Office
      134. RFQ_10187613_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for RSCC
      135. RFQ_10187698_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula etc for RSCC
      136. RFQ_10187748_Supply and Delivery of Commercial Rice for RSCC
      137. RFQ_10187811_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for RSCC
      138. RFQ_10187857_Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for HRMDD-Welfare Unit
      139. RFQ_10187902_Supply and Delivery of Cubicle nd Swivel Chair for CRCF
      140. RFQ_10190537_Supply and Delivery of Grassmower and Chest Freezer for RHW
      141. RFQ_10190601_Construction of Exit Doors in DRMD Building (DRRS)
      142. RFQ_10217226_Supply and Delivery of a Floor Standing Interactive Kiosk for Field Office Use
      143. RFQ_10231097_Supply and Delivery of Gravel etc for Finishing the remaining works in the volleyball court
      144. RFQ_10236109_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for PSD-CBS 2nd Semester SWD Forum
      145. RFQ_10236157_Supply and Delivery of 4ps Assessment Tools - SWDI FRVA and GIS
      146. RFQ_10236399_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula Milk for RSCC
      147. RFQ_10236519_Supply and Delivery of Filing Racj Organizer 77-Units for the Proposed Repair and Improvement of Storage Warehouse at Covered Court in DSWD FO-10
      148. RFQ_10236577_Supply and Delivery of Sala Set etc for RHW
      149. RFQ_10236656_Supply and Delivery of Single Foam with cover 36x75x3 for HG use
      150. RFQ_10236697_Supply and Delivery of Single Bed - Metal Frame 48x75 for HG
      151. RFQ_10236762_Supply and Delivery of Therapeutic Materials for RJJWC-X
      152. RFQ_10237182_Supply and Delivery of Therapeutic Materials for RJJWC-X
      153. RFQ_10237246_Supply and Delivery of Clothing Supplies for RRCY
      154. RFQ_10237351_Supply and Delivery of T-shirt etc for RJJWC-X Implementation of Support to BPA Projects in Balay Paglaum Gingoog City
      155. RFQ_10237524_Catering Services for BAC Meetings
      156. RFQ_10237704_Supply and Delivery of Food Stuff for HG Food Consumption 2023
      157. RFQ_10237757_Supply and Delivery of Grocery Item for HG Food Consumption 2023
      158. RFQ_10237875_Supply Delivery and Installation of 1.5 HP Split Type Aic Conditioning Unit for COA Office
      159. RFQ_10238829_Supply and Delivery Customized Towel Set for SFP Planning workshop for the CY 2024 (14th) Cycle cum Menu Planning Workshop
      160. RFQ_10238947_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula Milk for RSCC
      161. RFQ_10241769_ Proposed Repair and Improvement of Storage Warehouse at the back of DSWD Field Office X Basketball Court with a Floor area of 99sq.m - PhP 999577
      162. RFQ_10241973_Proposed Electrical Duct Bank for the Centralized Upgrading of all Electrical Distribution Lines Inside the DSWD Field Office X Presmises
      163. RFQ_10242276_Proposed Improvement and Extension and Renovation of Supply Office at DSWD Field Office X - Supply Warehouse with a Floor Area of 36sq.m
      164. RFQ_10243726_Construction of Proposed Improvement of Child Minding - DSWD Field Office X
      165. RFQ_10274103_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for Accounting Section
      166. RFQ_10274278_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for GSS
      167. RFQ_10274309_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for HR-Welfare Use
      168. RFQ_10274351_Supply and Delivery of Toilet Essentials as per memo of the secretary for 2nd Quarter 2023 for GSS
      169. RFQ_10277597_Wingvan Rental Trucking Services for the Hauling of Food and Non-Food Items Consumable for DRMD RROS
      170. RFQ_10277712_Supply and Delivery of Pedestal Steel Cabinet and Swivel Chair for the Implementation of Support to BPA Project for RJJWC X
      171. RFQ_10277768_Supply and Delivery of Acoustic Guitar etc for Support to BPA Project in Region 10 for RJJWC X
      172. RFQ_10277796_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP use
      173. RFQ_10277859_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps additional for POO and MOO 2nd Sem
      174. RFQ_10277911_Catering Services for Christmas Day and New Years Day Celebration of the residents and Staffs of RHW
      175. RFQ_10277940_Catering Services for Christmas Day and New Years Day Celebration of the residents and Staffs of HG
      176. RFQ_10278107_Catering Services for Christmas Day and New Years Day Celebration of the residents and Staffs of RRCY
      177. RFQ_10281285_Construction of Roofed Concrete Pathway (Guardhouse to SU) - DSWD Field Office
      178. RFQ_10281417_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4ps Additional for POO and MOO use for 2nd sem 2023
      179. RFQ_10287696_Printing and Delivery of CDD Magazine for KC-NCDDP AF
      180. RFQ_10304160_Supply and Delivery of Bed Foam and Pillow for RHW use
      181. RFQ_10304477_Supply and Delivery of Metal Bunk Bed for RHW use
      182. RFQ_10304568_Supply and Delivery of Commercial Rice and Powdered Milk for RHW use
      183. RFQ_10304651_Supply and Delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for RHW
      184. RFQ_10305186_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for SLP Year End PREW 2023
      185. RFQ_10305622_Supply Delivery and Installation of 2hp Aircon Inverter for SLP office
      186. RFQ_10305753_Supply and Delivery of Shampoo etc for the Implementation of the Support to BPA Project in Pag-asa Youth Home Iligan City for RJJWC-X -
      187. RFQ_10307245_Supply and Delivery of Flashlights etc for the Implementation of the Support to BPA project in Pag-asa Youth Home Iligan City for RJJWC-X
      188. RFQ_10319248_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps additional for POO and MOO 4th Quarter
      189. RFQ_10319424_Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for 4ps Additional POO and MOO use for 4th quarter 2023
      190. RFQ_10319541_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps additional use for POO and MOO for 4th quarrter 2023 - PhP 414800.00
      191. RFQ_10319631_Supply and Delivery of Corrugated box etc for 4ps additional POO and MOO use for 4th quarter 2023
      192. RFQ_10321148_Supply and Delivery of Appliances and Other Supplier for PSD-CBS
      193. RFQ_10321220_Supply and Delivery of Basic Household Utilities for PSD-CBS
      194. RFQ_10321367_Supply and Delivery of Television etc for RJJWC-X Support to BPA Project in Pag-asa Youth Home Ozamiz City
      195. RFQ_10321934_Supply and Delivery of Kitchenware for RJJWC-X Conduct of Training for BPA Residents in Region 10
      196. RFQ_10322051_Supply and Delivery of Gas Range etc for RJJWC-x Conduct of Training for BPA Residents in Region 10
      197. RFQ_10322132_Catering Services for RRCY Gender Awareness on the Current trend of LGBTQ
      198. RFQ_10323080_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP SDU Technical Session
      199. RFQ_10323460_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP Finance Technical Session
      200. RFQ_10323907_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP Engineering Technical Session
      201. RFQ_10324735_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula etc for RSCC
      202. RFQ_10343787_Vehicle Rental Services for PSD-CBS Profiling and Payout of combatants Under MNLF Transformation Program
      203. RFQ_10343853_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for PSB-CBS Profiling and Payout of Combatants Under MNLF Transformation Program
      204. RFQ_10343931_Supply Delivery and Installation of Proposed Water Purifying System for DSWD FO-X
      205. RFQ_10344768_Supply and Delivery of Powered Active 15 inch speaker for DSWD FO-X Covered Court for Convocation
      206. RFQ_10344894_Supply and Delivery of Double Burner etc for ARDA Office
      207. RFQ_10344958_Supply and Delivery of Welding Machine etc for RJJWC-X BPA Residents Livelihood Trainings for the Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      208. RFQ_10345604_Painting Works and Ceiling (Minor Repair Repairs) for Regional Haven for Women
      209. RFQ_10345715_Minor Repair and Installation of Heavy-Duty Metal Double Decker Bed for RHFW
      210. RFQ_10354882_Supply and Delivery of Spindle Assy etc for KIA XOD-539
      211. RFQ_10355077_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for GSS Hino Truck 1312-43346
      212. RFQ_10355137_Supply and Delivery of Brake Shoe etc for GSS Toyota Hi-Ace A9T 684
      213. RFQ_10355248_Supply and Delivery of Pressure Plate Clutch Lining etc for GSS Ford Ranger SKA 358
      214. RFQ_10355303_Supply and Delivery of Alternator Assembly etc for GSS Hyundai Starex SHK 752
      215. RFQ_10355345_Supply and Delivery of Battery etc for GSS Toyota Innova 1001-6415-59
      216. RFQ_10371995_Supply and Delivery of Common use supplies for PPD use
      217. RFQ_10372065_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for Ford Transit 1801-277754
      218. RFQ_10372108_Preventive Maintenance Service for ISUZU Forward SKF 786
      219. RFQ_10372151_Supply and Delivery of Expansion Valve etc for Mitsubishi Montero SHJ-512
      220. RFQ_10372202_Supply Delivery and Installation of Windows and Doors for BPA project in Camiguin Youth Welfare Home Province of Camiguin
      221. RFQ_10372548_Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet etc for PSS Office and Warehouse use
      222. RFQ_10372690_Supply and Delivery oh Hygien Kit Pouch with Printed Logo for Welfare Unit
      223. RFQ_10372743_Supply and Delivery of Racker Arm etc for Ford Ranger SFK 625
      224. RFQ_10372786_Supply and Delivery of Fuel Filter etc for Land Rover Defender SLC-831
      225. RFQ_10372839_Vehicle Rental Services for the Profiling and Pay-out of Combatants Under MNLF Transformation Program for PSD-CBS
      226. RFQ_10372883_Supply and Delivery of Metal Locker Cabinet etc for RJJWC X Implementation of Support to BPA Projects in Balay paglaum gingoog city
      227. RFQ_10372923_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Groceries for 2nd Semester for RRCY
      228. RFQ_10373472_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for Isuzu Dmax SKD 272
      229. RFQ_10373593_Supply and Delivery of Brake Shoe etc for Isuzu Dmax SKD 272
      230. RFQ_10375127_Supply and Delivery of Clothings for RJJWC-X Implementation of Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      231. RFQ_10375195_Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet etc for RJJWC-X for the Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      232. RFQ_10375272_Supply and Delivery of Portable Speaker etc for RJJWC-X Implementation of Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      233. RFQ_10375363_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Printer for RJJWC-X for the Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      234. RFQ_10389364_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4ps RPMO and POO use additional
      235. RFQ_10389478_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps RPMO and POO use (additional)
      236. RFQ_10416662_Radio Program for Spreading Awareness fo the SLP into other mediums than social media
      237. RFQ_10416730_Catering Services for Kalahi CIDSS KKB Balik Probinsya Bagong Pagasa Program - Municipality of Guinsiliban Camiguin
      238. RFQ_10416795_Catering Services for Kalahi CIDSS KKB Balik Probinsya Bagong Pagasa Program - Municipality of Munai LDN
      239. RFQ_10416862_Catering Services for KALAHI CIDSS Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan - CDD 2023 Municipality of Tudela Mis.Occ.
      240. RFQ_10417116_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for Partners and Stakeholders Recognition During the CY 2023 Second Semester SWD Forum for PSD-CBS
      241. RFQ_10428114_Supply and Delivery of Dental Kit for HRMDD-Welfare for DSWD FO X staff
      242. RFQ_10428131_Supply and Delivery of Stethoscope for DSWD FO-X for HRMDD-Welfare
      243. RFQ_10428230_Supply and Delivery of Maintenance Kit for canon etc for KC-AF
      244. RFQ_10439737_Proposed Upgrading of Electricity (Underground Electrical Wires)
      245. RFQ_10439782_Supply Delivery and Installation of Metal Lockers for Utility
      246. RFQ_10439812_Repair and Improvement of Toilet at Dorm
      247. RFQ_10439838_Repair and Improvement of Toilet at Kalambuan Building
      248. RFQ_10439870_Repair and Improvement of Toilet at Kalambuan Building
      249. RFQ_10439954_Basketball rehabilitation with Electronic Scoreboard
      250. RFQ_10439999_Proposed Music Room of DSWD FO-X
      251. RFQ_10440062_Construction of Canteen of DSWD FO-X
      252. RFQ_10440109_Proposed Covered Pathway at DRMD of DSWD FO-X
      253. RFQ_10440143_Proposed Ceiling and Waterline Rehabilitation at DRRMD Building
      254. RFQ_10440196_Supply Delivery and Installation Panel dooetc for RHW
      255. RFQ_10440513_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies and Equipment for SLP
      256. RFQ_10440548_Supply Delivery and Installation of Inverter Aircon 2HP Split-Type for SLP
      257. RFQ_10440992_Supply and Delivery of Tarpaulin for SLP
      258. RFQ_10441899_Vehicle Rental Services for BangUn Project Implementation and Monitoring
      259. RFQ_10442090_Vehicle Rental Services for KALAHI Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Others
      260. RFQ_10442214_Vehicle Rental Services for KALAHI Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Others
      261. RFQ_10442238_Vehicle Rental Services (Consumable) For project implementation monitorinng payout and others
      262. RFQ_10442266_Supply and Delivery of Inks for RJJWC-X
      263. RFQ_10442266_Vehicle Rental Services for Procurement Section Stragic Planning & Leadership Workshop
      264. RFQ_10442302_Supply and Delivery of Customized Planner for LGUs SWDAs & Other Stakeholders
      265. RFQ_10442325_Supply and Delivery of Continous Paper for Personnel section use
      266. RFQ_10442513_Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet etc for RJJWC-X
      267. RFQ_10442531_Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector
      268. RFQ_10442541_Supply and Delivery of Portable Speaker etc for RJJWC-X Support to BPA Project in Region 10
      269. RFQ_10442599_Construction of Daily Kitchen of RRCY
      270. RFQ_10443077_Proposed Canopy for Dorm RAMS and RSCCof DSWD FO-X
      271. RFQ_10443125_Proposed SFP Office Rehabilitation of DSWD FO X
      272. RFQ_10446817_Supply and Delivery of Printer and Document Scanner for BAC Sec
      273. RFQ_10446821_Supply and Delivery of Swivel Chair etc for BAC Sec use
      274. RFQ_10450557_Supply and Delivery of Printer etc for Procurement Section Use
      275. RFQ_10451779_Supply and Delivery of Meat Products for RRCY Residents
      276. RFQ_9390126_vehicle rental services for the General Administration and Support Services Group Year Starter Planning
      277. RFQ_9405494_vehicle rental services for Procurement and BAC Planning Workshop cum BangUN Program Consultation Meeting
      278. RFQ_9436957_Trucking Services for the Hauling of Food and Non-Food Items
      279. RFQ_9436992_supply and delivery of parts and accessories for Toyota Innova MV 1001-64-1559
      280. RFQ_9437059_supply and delivery of printing supplies for Social Pension use
      281. RFQ_9437089_printing services for the BDM Pre-Generated Validation Forms
      282. RFQ_9450892_supply and delivery of Plaque for SFP Activity use
      283. RFQ_9478347_supply and delivery of printing supplies for Social Pension use
      284. RFQ_9479180_supply delivery and installation of Aircon for Socpen Office and RD Lounge
      285. RFQ_9479543_supply and delivery of Social Pension Office Chair for Unit Head
      286. RFQ_9479641_supply and delivery of appliances for SocPen use
      287. RFQ_9480251_supply and delivery of office supplies for SLP staff
      288. RFQ_9480288_vehicle rental services for the technical assistance to LSWDOs and other local stakeholders
      289. RFQ_9480338_vehicle rental services for the monitoring of 2023 project implementation of BangUn
      290. RFQ_9485790_supply and delivery of token for the PSS and SFP Strategic Planning Workshop
      291. RFQ_9485861_vehicle rental services for the PSS and SFP Strategic Planning Workshop
      292. RFQ_9485888_courier services for the DSWD FO10 use
      293. RFQ_9486207_vehicle rental services for the conduct of caring for the carers
      294. RFQ_9486236_supply and delivery of Medical Equipment and Supply for DSWD Physician use
      295. RFQ_9539081_supply and delivery of measuring equipment for BangUn Project
      296. RFQ_9539158_supply and delivery of office furniture for Pantawid RPMO Staff
      297. RFQ_9539175_Supply and delivery of Inks and Toner for BAC SEC use
      298. RFQ_9539195_supply and delivery of bond papers for AICS
      299. RFQ_9539229_supply and delivery of printer for pantawid rpmo staff
      300. RFQ_9539261_supply and delivery of bond paper and dry seal for 4ps RPMO staff
      301. RFQ_9539283_supply and delivery of musical instruments and gaming paraphernalia for bahay silungan
      302. RFQ_9539389_supply and delivery of frozen goods for bahay silungan
      303. RFQ_9539514_supply and delivery of inks for 4ps RPMO staff
      304. RFQ_9539546_supply and delivery of various items for Bahay Silungan
      305. RFQ_9539591_supply and delivery of food items for bahay silungan
      306. RFQ_9539657_supply and delivery of Red Vest for DRMD
      307. RFQ_9540022_supply and delivery of Toner Cartridge for GSS
      308. RFQ_9540251_supply and delivery of paints for basketball and volleyball court
      309. RFQ_9540277_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RHW
      310. RFQ_9540294_supply and delivery of snacks for DSWD Anniversary
      311. RFQ_9540302_supply and delivery of lunch for DSWD Anniversary
      312. RFQ_9542402_supply and delivery of Furniture Office supplies and devices
      313. RFQ_9543883_supply and delivery of Drinking Water Bottle for PSS Warehouse management training
      314. RFQ_9544032_supply and delivery of office supplies for SFP
      315. RFQ_9544154_supply and delivery of office supplies for BangUn
      316. RFQ_9544218_supply and delivery of office supplies for SLP
      317. RFQ_9544270_supply and delivery of office supplies for TAAORSS
      318. RFQ_9544314_vehicle rental services for PSS warehouse management training
      319. RFQ_9572358_supply and delivery of Planner and Jacket for the conduct of caring for the carers
      320. RFQ_9578489_meals and snacks for BAC Meetings 1st Quarter
      321. RFQ_9578541_meals and snacks for BAC Meetings 2nd Quarter
      322. RFQ_9578617_meals and snacks for BAC Meetings 3rd Quarter
      323. RFQ_9578704_repair and maintenance of two units photocopier of SOCPEN
      324. RFQ_9578788_supply and delivery of Food Items for Bahay Silungan - 260986.65
      325. RFQ_9578894_supply and delivery of Furniture for DRMD Office use
      326. RFQ_9578962_supply and delivery of Various Items for DRMD Office use
      327. RFQ_9579175_supply and delivery of Appliances for DRMD Office use
      328. RFQ_9579271_supply and delivery of ICT Equipment for DRMD Office use
      329. RFQ_9579747_supply and delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for RHW 1st sem
      330. RFQ_9580435_repairs and rehabilitation works for HG
      331. RFQ_9580453_supply and delivery of office supplies for RICTMS use
      332. RFQ_9580472_printing services for the 4ps Assessment Tools Scoresheet and FRVA
      333. RFQ_9580496_supply and delivery of office supplies for HG clients need
      334. RFQ_9580510_printing services for the 4ps FRVA forms
      335. RFQ_9580527_printing services for the 4ps Assessment Tool GIS
      336. RFQ_9580559_supply and delivery of Powdered Milk for RSCC 1st sem
      337. RFQ_9580559_supply and delivery of Powdered Milk for RSCC 2nd sem
      338. RFQ_9580573_supply and delivery of food supplies for RSCC 2nd sem
      339. RFQ_9580588_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies and Appliances for Bahay Silungan use
      340. RFQ_9581576_supply and delivery of other supplies for RSCC 2nd sem use
      341. RFQ_9581659_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies and Appliances for Bahay Silungan use
      342. RFQ_9582909_supply and delivery of Various Items for HG use
      343. RFQ_9582955_supply and delivery of Food Items for HG
      344. RFQ_9583002_supply and delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for HG
      345. RFQ_9583052_supply and delivery of Trash bin for 7'S Compliance
      346. RFQ_9583083_supply and delivery of Red Vest for Social Pension payout
      347. RFQ_9583113_supply and delivery of Antigen and Face Mask for FO X Staff
      348. RFQ_9583152_supply and delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for RSCC 2nd sem
      349. RFQ_9583185_supply and delivery of Food Items 1st Sem for HG
      350. RFQ_9583235_supply and delivery of Food Items 1st Sem for HG use
      351. RFQ_9583272_supply and delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for HG 1st Sem
      352. RFQ_9583296_supply and delivery of Toiletries for HG 1st Sem
      353. RFQ_9583490_supply and delivery of drugs and medicines for HG use
      354. RFQ_9587212_supply and delivery of Toiletries for RSCC 1st sem use
      355. RFQ_9587299_supply and delivery of Milk Products for RSCC use 1st qtr 2023
      356. RFQ_9587323_supply and delivery of Office Equipment and Supplies
      357. RFQ_9587460_supply and delivery of Food items for RHW 1st sem
      358. RFQ_9587509_supply and delivery of Drugs and Medicines for RRCY
      359. RFQ_9603073_Supply and Delivery of ICT Supplies_Equipment for PPD Division Chief.xlsx - RFQ
      360. RFQ_9616977_print advertorial for the implementation of the Regional Communication and Advocacy Plan
      361. RFQ_9617015_radio program for the implementation of the Regional Communication and Advocacy Plan
      362. RFQ_9617057_printing of 4ps kalambuan stories- a compendium of 4ps success stories
      363. RFQ_9617072_printing of Coffee Table Book for the implementation of the Regional Communication and Advocacy Plan
      364. RFQ_9617116_supply and delivery of Bag and Lanyard for Socpen Use
      365. RFQ_9617146_supply and delivery of RISO ink with free use of RISO machine for the assessment of unassessed househoold of 4ps listahanan 3
      366. RFQ_9617167_supply and delivery of Bond Paper for the assessment of unassessed househoold of 4ps listahanan 3
      367. RFQ_9617191_supply and delivery of Office supplies for HG use 1st sem
      368. RFQ_9617231_supply and delivery of Office Supplies for PPD
      369. RFQ_9622432_supply and delivery of inks for Pantawid Pamilya 2nd Qtr use
      370. RFQ_9624311_supply and delivery of Food Items for RHW
      371. RFQ_9624443_supply and delivery of signages and paint for the 4ps POO mis or staff 1st quarter
      372. RFQ_9624813_supply and delivery of Commercial Rice for RHW
      373. RFQ_9624866_supply and delivery of toner for pantawid pamilya use 1st quarter
      374. RFQ_9624913_supply and delivery of inks for Pantawid 3rd and 4th Qtr
      375. RFQ_9624965_supply and delivery of Folders for Pantawid 2nd Qtr use
      376. RFQ_9625006_supply and delivery of Folders for Pantawid 3rd and 4th Qtr
      377. RFQ_9625043_printing of compendium for SMU office use
      378. RFQ_9625068_supply and delivery of Printer for AICS
      379. RFQ_9625112_supply and delivery of toner for pantawid 3rd and 4th quarter
      380. RFQ_9625165_supply and delivery of inks for pantawid 1st quarter use
      381. RFQ_9625183_supply and delivery of toner for Pantawid 2nd quarter use
      382. RFQ_9625212_supply and delivery of folders for pantawid 1st quarter
      383. RFQ_9626379_Supply and Delivery of Printer and Aircon 1HP
      384. RFQ_9630795_supply and delivery of bond papers 1st Semester CIU
      385. RFQ_9630810_supply and delivery of bond papers 2nd Semester for CIU
      386. RFQ_9631459_supply and delivery of Janitorial Supplies for admin
      387. RFQ_9634348_supply and delivery of Office Supplies for CIS-AICS 2nd sem
      388. RFQ_9634402_supply and delivery of Office Supplies for CIS-AICS 1st sem
      389. RFQ_9635711_supply and delivery of toner for Pantawid 4th Quarter
      390. RFQ_9635761_repair and maintenance of vehicle 1312-447771 JAC aluminum van type
      391. RFQ_9635829_supply and delivery of drugs and medicines for RHW
      392. RFQ_9635899_supply and delivery of ICT Equipment for SOCPEN
      393. RFQ_9635964_supply and delivery of hygiene kit for DSWD X staff
      394. RFQ_9636021_supply and delivery of Plaque for TAAORSS
      395. RFQ_9636886_supply and delivery of Money Safety Vault for CIU
      396. RFQ_9636898_supply and delivery of inks for CIU 1st sem
      397. RFQ_9636914_supply and delivery of Office supplies and devices for 4ps 1st quarter
      398. RFQ_9636944_supply and delivery of Office supplies and devices for 4ps 3rd quarter
      399. RFQ_9636959_supply and delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for RHW
      400. RFQ_9636988_supply and delivery of Printer and utensils for RHW
      401. RFQ_9638628_vehicle rental services for the conduct of PPD employee productivity training cum mid-year prew
      402. RFQ_9648464_supply and delivery of Medical Supplies for DSWD FO X staff
      403. RFQ_9648534_supply delivery and installation of Aircon for AICS Iligan Satellite Office
      404. RFQ_9660255_supply and delivery of Cellcards for 4ps Staff use 2nd Quarter
      405. RFQ_9660295_supply and delivery of Cellcards for 4ps Staff use 1st Quarter
      406. RFQ_9665581_vehicle rental services for the Government Procurement reform act (RA 9184) training
      407. RFQ_9668905_meals and snacks for the procurement section monthly meeting
      408. RFQ_9670146_meals and snacks for the HRMDD quarterly division meeting
      409. RFQ_9670201_supply and delivery of office supplies for SLP use
      410. RFQ_9670274_supply and delivery of office supplies for Pantawid 1st quarter
      411. RFQ_9670358_supply and delivery of office supplies for Pantawid 2nd quarter
      412. RFQ_9670598_vehicle rental services for DSWD X use
      413. RFQ_9678311_consultancy services for rapid assessment of medical assistance to beneficiaries of AICS
      414. RFQ_9678417_supply and delivery of drugs and medicines for RRCY -
      415. RFQ_9678507_supply and delivery of inks for SLP use
      416. RFQ_9678594_repair and maintenance of Ford Ranger SGS 243
      417. RFQ_9681627_supply and delivery of food items for RRCY 1st Sem
      418. RFQ_9681826_supply and delivery of Furniture for CRCF staff use
      419. RFQ_9683076_supply and delivery of additional ICT Equipment for Socpen
      420. RFQ_9683198_supply and delivery of Traveling Bag for RSCC use
      421. RFQ_9683330_supply and delivery of ICT Equipment for Socpen -
      422. RFQ_9686563_vehicle rental services for the work-life balance training of RHW
      423. RFQ_9691479_supply and delivery of Umbrella for SocPen
      424. RFQ_9691580_repair and maintenance of vehicle with plate # SHJ-512
      425. RFQ_9691911_supply and delivery of Jacket for RSCC use
      426. RFQ_9692580_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies DRMD Regional and Provincial Deployed Staff
      427. RFQ_9692648_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for TAAORSS use
      428. RFQ_9693153_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for the DSWD Achievement Awards 2022
      429. RFQ_9719896_Supply and Delivery of ICT SuppliesEquipment for Procurement Staff
      430. RFQ_9719968_Catering Services for 7th Affirmative Gatherings with rehabilitated CICL's for RRCY
      431. RFQ_9720077_Supply and Delivery of Powerbank and Scanner for RSCC
      432. RFQ_9720206_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP
      433. RFQ_9730236_meals and snacks for the Group Work Session on Leadership of SOCTECH
      434. RFQ_9730305_meals and snacks for the 1st and 3rd Quarter FMD Staff meeting
      435. RFQ_9730633_meals and snacks for the Nutrition Month Culmination Activity of BangUn
      436. RFQ_9730651_meals and snacks for the conduct of Environment-Friendly Livelihood Assistance from DAR DOST and NAPC Training
      437. RFQ_9730662_meals and snacks for the conduct of parents' classes on health and nutrition training
      438. RFQ_9730676_supply delivery and installation of Air Conditioner for CIS-AICS use
      439. RFQ_9730690_meals and snacks for the conduct of First 1000 Days Community Training
      440. RFQ_9730736_supply and delivery of Appliances and Monoblock Chair for HG
      441. RFQ_9730753_meals and snacks for the conduct of water sanitation and hygiene for early childhood care and development training
      442. RFQ_9730791_supply and delivery of Toiletries and Janitorial Supplies for HG
      443. RFQ_9730913_supply and delivery of Money Vault for CIS-AICS use
      444. RFQ_9732824_supply and delivery of Medical Supplies for physician and HR Welfare use
      445. RFQ_9732909_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment for RICTMS use
      446. RFQ_9732980_supply and delivery of Assistive Devices to Eligible PWDs
      447. RFQ_9733005_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment for HG
      448. RFQ_9733057_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment for RICTMS use -
      449. RFQ_9733076_supply and delivery of Medical Equipment and Supplies for HRMDD and Physician use
      450. RFQ_9750455_Supply and Delivery of Operating System for 2023 BangUn Implementation
      451. RFQ_9750522_Repair and Maintenance of HG Building
      452. RFQ_9752213_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for 2nd Semester for HG
      453. RFQ_9752286_Supply and Delivery of Appliances for Welfare Unit
      454. RFQ_9752523_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Computer set for BangUn
      455. RFQ_9752712_Supply and Delivery of Printer for BangUn
      456. RFQ_9752760_Supply and Delivery of Garments for HG
      457. RFQ_9752826_Supply and Delivery of Food Stuff for 2nd semester for HG use
      458. RFQ_9753041_Supply and Delivery of Furnitures for BangUn Office
      459. RFQ_9763612_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Technical Session
      460. RFQ_9763792_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2-Bukidnon
      461. RFQ_9763930_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP Program Assessment and Review (Cluster 5 and 4)
      462. RFQ_9763930_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP Program Assessment and Review (Cluster 5 and 4
      463. RFQ_9763988_Supply and Delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for 2nd Semester for RHW
      464. RFQ_9764270_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP Area Coordinators Technical Session
      465. RFQ_9764445_Fullboard Accommodation for Mid-Year RPMO Strategic Planning of KC-NCDDP AF
      466. RFQ_9764532_Fullboard Accommodation for DSWD Operational Planning for KC-NCDDP A
      467. RFQ_9765800_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2)
      468. RFQ_9765868_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF Individual PREW for RPMO Staff
      469. RFQ_9765990_Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies for KC-PMNP CY 2023
      470. RFQ_9766061_Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies for KC-NCDDP AF 1st Semester Cy 2023
      471. RFQ_9766099_Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies for KC-KKB-BP2P 1st Semester CY 2023
      472. RFQ_9767554_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Pantar)
      473. RFQ_9767674_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Salvador)
      474. RFQ_9767831_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Munipality of Talakag)
      475. RFQ_9767932_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Kauswagan)
      476. RFQ_9767985_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of San Fernando)
      477. RFQ_9768099_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Cabanglasan)
      478. RFQ_9768154_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Matungao
      479. RFQ_9768220_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Kalilangan)
      480. RFQ_9768279_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Maigo
      481. RFQ_9768342_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Baroy)
      482. RFQ_9774813_Meals and Snacks for PMNP CEAC Trainings (Municipality of Tubod)
      483. RFQ_9774997_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF ACT Individual Performance Review & Evaluation Workshop
      484. RFQ_9775068_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-Out Training on the Participatory BDP (Camiguin)
      485. RFQ_9775119_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Engineers Technical Session
      486. RFQ_9775168_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Program Assessment and Review (Cluster 1 and 2)
      487. RFQ_9775206_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Municipal Database Encoders(MDE Conference) 2023
      488. RFQ_9775288_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF A MCT Training on Gender-Responsive CDD Projects
      489. RFQ_9775354_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP Program Assessment and Review (Cluster 3 and 4)
      490. RFQ_9775410_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-out Training on the Participatory BDP (Bukidnon 1)
      491. RFQ_9775730_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-Out Training on the Participatory BDP (LDN 2)
      492. RFQ_9776992_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-Out Training on the Participatory BDP (Bukidnon 2)
      493. RFQ_9777039_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-KKB-BP2P Planning Monitoring And Evaluation Technical Session
      494. RFQ_9777123_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Roll-Out Training on the Participatory BDP (LDN 1
      495. RFQ_9777183_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-NCDDP AF Procurement Trainings for MFAs
      496. RFQ_9777224_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2)
      497. RFQ_9777286_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-KKB-BP2P ACT Refresher Training on the KKB Operational Guidelines and Process
      498. RFQ_9777329_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-PMNP A MCT Roll-Out Training on PMNP Guidelines and Procedures
      499. RFQ_9777386_Supply and Delivery of Infant Formula Milk for RSCC 2nd Quarter 2023
      500. RFQ_9777442_Supply and Delivery of Meat Supplies for RSCC 2nd Quarter 2023
      501. RFQ_9777559_Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for RSCC 2nd Sem 2023
      502. RFQ_9779655_Supply and Delivery of Non-Common use Supplies for KC-NCDDP AF for 2nd Semester CY 2023
      503. RFQ_9779721_Supply and Delivery of Common Use Supplies for KC-NCDDP AF for 2nd Semester CY 2023
      504. RFQ_9779776_Supply and Delivery of Non Common Use Supplies for KC-NCDDP AF for 1st Semester CY 2023
      505. RFQ_9781560_Supply and Delivery of SLP ICT Equipment
      506. RFQ_9785107_Supply and Delivery of Office Cubicle for ADMIN use
      507. RFQ_9785319_Vehicle Rental Services for Staff Technical writing and Benchmarking cum GST for RRCY
      508. RFQ_9785389_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for GSS use
      509. RFQ_9786601_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-KKB-BP2P Refresher Training on Safeguards Management
      510. RFQ_9786665_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2 - Bukidnon)
      511. RFQ_9786743_Fullboard Accommodation for KC-KKB-BP2P Municipal Database Encoder (MDE Conference 2023)
      512. RFQ_9801844_supply and delivery of Plastic Folders for Pantawid
      513. RFQ_9801908_supply and delivery of food items for breads and pastries production - HG
      514. RFQ_9801934_supply and delivery of tools and materials for HG breads and pastries production
      515. RFQ_9801980_meals for HG breads and pastries production
      516. RFQ_9802582_supply and delivery of inks for 4ps RPMO use
      517. RFQ_9808256_supply delivery and installation of CCTV at CIU Building
      518. RFQ_9814302_full board accommodation for the MCT Training on KC Grievance Redress System and Safeguards
      519. RFQ_9814420_meals and snacks for the KC-NCDDP ADDITIONAL FINANCING CEAC ACTIVITIES PHASE 1 AND PHASE II (GROUP 2 & 4) CY 2023
      520. RFQ_9814673_meals and snacks for the KC-NCDDP ADDITIONAL CEAC ACTIVITIES PHASE 1 AND PHASE II (GROUP 2 & 4) CY 2023
      521. RFQ_9823555_Supply and Delivery of Baby Weighing Scale and Infantometer for BangUn Conduct of Nutrition Assessments
      522. RFQ_9824312_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for Pantawid 3rd Quarter 2023
      523. RFQ_9824403_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for Pantawid 4th quarter staff 2023
      524. RFQ_9825301_Janitorial Services for 6 months from July - December 2023
      525. RFQ_9825462_Various Construction Materials for Walling Partition for COA New Office and File Storage
      526. RFQ_9825736_Meals and Snacks for KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2) CY 2023
      527. RFQ_9828045_Supply and Delivery of Pantawid Set 12 C Validation forms
      528. RFQ_9828776_meals and snacks for the KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase I and Phase II (G2&G4) CY 2023 - 5160000.00
      529. RFQ_9830985_Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Med Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      530. RFQ_9845301_supply and delivery of bond paper for ciu
      531. RFQ_9845458_supply and delivery of Advocacy Materials for the conduct of Mental Health- Finding Happiness in the Workplace
      532. RFQ_9845582_supply and delivery of Red Vest for AICS staff in FO X
      533. RFQ_9845673_supply and delivery of uniform for DSWD FO Staff Players of inter-agency tournament
      534. RFQ_9850186_supply and delivery of Powdered Cereal Drink-Instant Choco Malt for Standby Raw Materials
      535. RFQ_9850260_supply and delivery of office supplies for 4ps ID printing use
      536. RFQ_9861573_meals and snacks for the KC-NCDDP AF CEAC Activities Phase II (Group 2)
      537. RFQ_9866126_supply and delivery of Micro Nutrient Powder for BangUn Project
      538. RFQ_9874981_Printing services for the Set 12 C Validation use for 4Ps use
      539. RFQ_9875050_Supply and Delivery of R15 Tire etc forAmbulance and Toyota Grandia
      540. RFQ_9875669_Supply and Installation of 2 Air-Conditioning unit at RSCC
      541. RFQ_9878699_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Peripherals
      542. RFQ_9878791_Supply and Delivery of Inks for RICTMS
      543. RFQ_9878818_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries Supplies for RRCY 1st semester
      544. RFQ_9878856_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Meat Products for 1st Semester for RRCY
      545. RFQ_9878900_Supply and Delivery of Clothing Supplies for 1st Semester 2023 RRCY use
      546. RFQ_9878934_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Groceries for 1st semester 2023 for RRCY
      547. RFQ_9894401_Installation of Network Attached Storage (NAS) for RICTMS
      548. RFQ_9896041_Motor Vehicle Rental for Transportation of Payout team for ECT Implementation for DRMD
      549. RFQ_9896135_Drainage Repair within RSCC Building
      550. RFQ_9896200_Supply,Delivery, and Installation of the RICTMS Server Room Structured Cabling Rehabilitation and Additional Local Area Network through Structured Cabling
      551. RFQ_9933160_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Sapad LDN
      552. RFQ_9933305_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Kapatagan LDN
      553. RFQ_9933355_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Baloi LDN
      554. RFQ_9933413_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Pantar LDN
      555. RFQ_9933493_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - SND LDN
      556. RFQ_9933801_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Magsaysay LDN
      557. RFQ_9933906_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Pantao Ragat LDN
      558. RFQ_9933956_Meals and Snacks for KC-KKB CFW CEAC Activities - Poona Piagapo LDN
      559. RFQ_9935200_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for RHW
      560. RFQ_9935446_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial and Other Supplies for RHW
      561. RFQ_9935520_Meals and Snacks for HG Anniversary cum Family Day Celebration
      562. RFQ_9935592_Radio Program Blocktime for SMU
      563. RFQ_9936205_Supply and Delivery of ICT equipment to Bahay Silungan
      564. RFQ_9936411_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for Tubod Satellite Office for AICS
      565. RFQ_9936459_Supply and Delivery of Other Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      566. RFQ_9938052_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Material for PPD Year-End PREW
      567. RFQ_9938096_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies(Frozen Goods) for Bahay Silungan
      568. RFQ_9938117_Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for SMU use
      569. RFQ_9939613_repair and maintenance of Ford Ranger SGS-243
      570. RFQ_9939811_production and installation of history wall and history book
      571. RFQ_9939940_supply and delivery of Meat Goods for RHW -
      572. RFQ_9940008_supply and delivery of Frozen Goods for RHW
      573. RFQ_9940158_installation and fabrication of cabinets for RHW
      574. RFQ_9940244_supply and delivery of Printer for RHW
      576. RFQ_9940603_supply and delivery of various ICT equipment for RICTMS
      577. RFQ_9940663_supply and delivery of inks and other supplies
      578. RFQ_9940689_supply and delivery of Laptops for ICTMS
      579. RFQ_9940729_repair and maintenance of Ford Ranger SFK-625
      580. RFQ_9940792_supply and delivery of Office supplies for Bahay Silungan
      581. RFQ_9968290_Supply and Delivery of Emroided Jacket for DRMD
      582. RFQ_9968391_Supply and Delivery of Tablet for RICTMS
      583. RFQ_9968511_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      584. RFQ_9968592_Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicines for Bahay Silungan
      585. RFQ_9968656_Skills Training on Welding for RRCY
      586. RFQ_9969417_Improvement of RICTMS Office and CCTV Room
      587. RFQ_9975195_Supply and Deliver of Common use supplies for KC-KKB-BP2P 2nd Semester
      588. RFQ_9975244_Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing supplies for RHW
      589. RFQ_9975268_Supply and Delivery of Clothing Supplies 2nd Sem CY 2023 for RRCY
      590. RFQ_9992394_Vehicle Rental for BangUn Project implementation Review
      591. RFQ_9992396_Vehicle Rental for BangUn Third Interagency Consultation Workshop
      592. RFQ_9992397_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries Supplies for 2nd Semester for RRCY
      593. RFQ_9992398_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Meat Products for 2nd Semester 2023 for RRCY
      594. RFQ_9992399_Supply and Delivery of Assorted Groceries for 2nd Semester 2023 for RRCY
      595. RFQ_9992406_Repair and Maintenance of Mitsubishi Montero SKM 131
      596. RFQ_Supply and Delivery of Bulb etc for RSCC Building
      597. RFQ_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Microsoft Office for SLP use
      598. RFQ_Supply and Delivery of Pre-Generated validation forms for set 12E Printing for 4ps
      599. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Fish for 1st sem RRCY - 87802.75
      600. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Grocery Items for RRCY PHP245550.26
      601. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Grocery Items for RSCC 1st Qtr - 132580.06
      602. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Grocery Items for RSCC 1st sem 2023 - 144901.80
      603. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Grocery items for RRCY - 105741.11
      604. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Meat Products for RRCY - 124600
      605. Supply and Delivery of Assorted Meat Products for RRCY 1st sem 2023 - 131637.71
      606. Supply and Delivery of Clothing supplies for 1st sem RRCY - 74697.40
      607. Supply and Delivery of Clothing supplies for RRCY - 58059.83
      608. Supply and Delivery of Clothings for RRCY - 73507.00
      609. Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for RSCC 1st Quarter - 135494.30
      610. Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SOCPEN use for 1st Semester
      611. Supply and Delivery of PSD-CIS-AICS OFFICE SUPPLIES
      612. Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for 1st semester RRCY - 69326.20
      613. Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for RRCY - 115275
      614. Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for RRCY - 79436.50
      615. Suppy and Delivery of Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 2023 for RHW
      616. Vehicle Rental Services for KALAHI Consumable Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Other Purpose may serve 500000
      617. Vehicle Rental Services for SFP (Consumable) Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Other Purpose may serve - 999000
      618. Vehicle Rental Services for SLP (Consumable) Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Other Purpose may serve - 720000
      619. repair and maintenance Mitsubishi Montero SHJ-512

        RFQ 2024

      1. RFQ10789746__Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts for SKF 796 Toyota Grandia
      2. RFQ_ 10701356_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for KC-KKB
      3. RFQ_ 10731488_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for Bahay Silungan
      4. RFQ_10487160_Supply and Delivery of Office Chair for SFP
      5. RFQ_10487314_Supply and Delivery of Printer for SFP office use
      6. RFQ_10513390_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for HG
      7. RFQ_10513466_Supply and Delivery of Clothing for HG 1st Semester 2024
      8. RFQ_10513805_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for HG 1st Semester 2024
      9. RFQ_10517833_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies Wet & Meat Goods for RHW
      10. RFQ_10517902_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies Frozen Goods for RHW
      11. RFQ_10531092_Supply and Delivery Office Supplies for Admin Division
      12. RFQ_10544376_Supply and Delivery of Toners for SLP use
      13. RFQ_10544446_Supply and Delivery of Inks for SLP use
      14. RFQ_10552043_Supply and Delivery of Packed Meals for the Launching of BangUn Project
      15. RFQ_10552144_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for BangUn Supplies
      16. RFQ_10560658_Supply and Delivery of Printer and Laptop for RICTMS ICT Equipments
      17. RFQ_10560794_Supply, Delivery and Installation of 1.5 HP Split Type Aircon for RICTMS
      18. RFQ_10561107_Supply and Delivery of Non-common use supplies for PPD-TAAORSS
      19. RFQ_10572912_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries Supplies for Pantawid Pamilya
      20. RFQ_10573019_Supply and Delivery of Toner and Toner Cartridge for 4PS RPMO AND MOO STAFF USE 1ST SEM 2024
      21. RFQ_10573112_Supply and Delivery of INK RISO and RISO Master Roll for 4Ps RPMO and POO use 1st Sem 2024
      22. RFQ_10573229_Supply and Delivery of Toner for 4Ps RPMO and POO use for 2024
      23. RFQ_10573314_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4Ps use for 1st sem 2024
      24. RFQ_10573446_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4Ps RPMO and POO use for 2024
      25. RFQ_10573522_Supply and Delivery of Plastic Folder for 4Ps RPMO and POO for 1st sem 2024
      26. RFQ_10573595_Supply and Delivery of Bond Papers for 4Ps RPMO and POO use for 1st sem 2024
      27. RFQ_10573696_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4Ps use for 2nd Sem 2024
      28. RFQ_10573792_Supply and Delivery of Toners and Inks for 4Ps RPMO and POO use 1st sem 2024
      29. RFQ_10573885_Supply and Delivery of Cartridge for 4Ps use 2024 1st sem
      30. RFQ_10574032_Supply and Delivery of Cartridge for 4Ps use for 2nd sem 2024
      31. RFQ_10574112_Supply and Delivery of Toners for 4Ps RPMO and MOO staff use 2nd sem 2024
      32. RFQ_10575404_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4Ps RPMO and POO 1st Sem 2024
      33. RFQ_10577596_Supply and Delivery of RICTMS Semi-Expandable Machinery and Equipment
      34. RFQ_10577651_Supply and Delivery of Acryllic Rubber etc for ADMIN Repainting of Existing Outdoor Court
      35. RFQ_10600387_Supply and delivery of Continuous Paper for Personnel Administration Section use
      36. RFQ_10600445_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment
      37. RFQ_10600490_Supply and Delivery of Inks for Pantawid Pamilya RPMO and POO staff use
      38. RFQ_10610218_Printing and Installation of Photo Walls for the DSWD73rd Anniversary Celebration
      39. RFQ_10610307_Printing and Printing of Polo Shirts for DSWD 73rd Anniversary Cultural Celebration
      40. RFQ_10620872_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for service award for DSWD 73rd Anniversary
      41. RFQ_10625077_Catering Services for DSWD 73rd Anniversary Celebration - Opening Program
      42. RFQ_10626246_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-KKC CEAC Activities CY 2024 Municipality of Catarman Camiguin
      43. RFQ_10626377_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-KKB CEAC Activities CY 2024 Municipality of Munai Lanao Del Norte
      44. RFQ_10628241_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for CY 2024 PRAISE LOYALTY SERVICE and PanataKO sa Bayan Awarding Ceremony for SMU
      45. RFQ_10629382_Supply and Delivery Monoblock Chair for SLP
      46. RFQ_10629462_Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for CUS 2nd Semester 2024 Office Supplies
      47. RFQ_10629530_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP RPMO and POO office use
      48. RFQ_10629530_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP RPMO and Provincial Cluster Office Use
      49. RFQ_10629589_Supply and Delivery of Inks for SLP RPMO and Provincial Cluster Office Use
      50. RFQ_10629635_Supply and Delivery Office Supplies for SLP RPMO and Provincial Cluster Office Use
      51. RFQ_10640511_Supply and Delivery of Toner with Free use of printer for SOCPEN Use
      52. RFQ_10640565_Supply and Delivery of Toner with free use of Photocopier for SOCPEN use
      53. RFQ_10640630_Catering Services for DSWD Family Day 2024
      54. RFQ_10640683_Supply and Delivery of Corrugated Box for SOCPEN use
      55. RFQ_10640734_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SFP use
      56. RFQ_10640787_Supply and Delivery of Bond Paper for AICS use
      57. RFQ_10640828_Supply and Delivery of Analog Watch etc for DSWD 73rd Anniversary (Loyalty Awardees & Service Awardees Non-Monetary Incentives)
      58. RFQ_10645111_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-KKB-BP2P CEAC Activities CY 2024 Municipality of Munai Lanao Del Norte
      59. RFQ_10645150_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-KKC-BP2P CEAC Activities CY 2024 Municipality of Guinsiliban Camiguin
      60. RFQ_10645272_Supply and Delivery of Inks with free use of printer for SOCPEN use
      61. RFQ_10655850_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Binuangan,Mis.Or.
      62. RFQ_10655991_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Kinoguitan Mis Or
      63. RFQ_10655991_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Kinoguitan, Mis.Or.
      64. RFQ_10656377_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Munipality of Salay Mis Or
      65. RFQ_10656377_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Munipality of Salay, Mis.Or.
      66. RFQ_10656821_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Calamba MisOcc
      67. RFQ_10656821_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Calamba,Mis.Occ.
      68. RFQ_10658502_Supply Delivery and Installation of Aircondition Units for DRMD Office Use
      69. RFQ_10658603_Catering Services for AICS CIS Monthly Meeting
      70. RFQ_10658675_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SLP RPMO and Provincial Cluster Office Use
      71. RFQ_10661983_Supply and Delivery of Tarpaulin etc for the Spread Awareness of the program to different provinces of Region 10 for SLP
      72. RFQ_10662135_Supply Delivery and Installation of 2.5 HP Split Type Aircon for DSWD FO X Compound
      73. RFQ_10662198_Supply and Delivery of Meat Products for RSCC Clients
      74. RFQ_10662281_Supply and Delivery of Compendium to Showcase SLP Stories
      75. RFQ_10662334_Fabrication and Installation of Signages for DSWD FO X
      76. RFQ_10670073_Supply and Delivery of Laotop and Desktop Computer for FMD use
      77. RFQ_10670094_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Printer for PPD use
      78. RFQ_10670120_Proposed Re-Tiling Repainting Stage Renovation and Installation of 14 Floor Mounted Outlets of Conference Room
      79. RFQ_10670156_Provision of Detachable Concrete Covers on Open Canal within DSWD FO X Compound
      80. RFQ_10670330_Proposed Installation of Sun Blocking Tint on the 261 Glass Windows of Kalambuan Building
      81. RFQ_10670400_Proposed Installation of 70 Floor Mounted Outlets in FMD Office
      82. RFQ_10670546_Proposed Renovation of Old Haven Utility Room
      83. RFQ_10672508_Catering Service for 1st and 3rd Quarter FMD Staff Meeting
      84. RFQ_10672640_Catering Services for PPD-Planning Conduct of Regional Management Committee Quarterly Meetings
      85. RFQ_10672710_Supply and Delivery of Office Table and Chair for AICS use
      86. RFQ_10672751_Production and Printing of FDS Scorecard for the Implementation of NSCP 2023-2025 4Ps and Regional Information Officers
      87. RFQ_10672887_Supply and Delivery of Money Counter for AICS use
      88. RFQ_10672956_Radio Program Blocktime for the Implementation of the NSCP 2023-2025 for 4Ps Information and Regional Information Officers
      89. RFQ_10673043_Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinet for AICS use
      90. RFQ_10674208_Print Advertorial for the Implementation of the NSCP 2023-2025 for 4Ps and Regional Information Officers
      91. RFQ_10676413_Supply and Delivery of Compendium for the implementation of the NSCP 2023-2025 for 4Ps and Regional Information Officers
      92. RFQ_10681581_Supply and Delivery of Laptops and Printers for ADMIN use
      93. RFQ_10681689_Secondary Internet Service Subscription of Field Office 10 SWAD Offices Camiguin,Malaybalay POO Camiguinand CRCF RRCY
      94. RFQ_10681795_Supply, Delivery and Printing of GAD Brochures for distribution during caravans and other communication campaigns
      95. RFQ_10683244_Supply and Delivery of Tablet for FMD use
      96. RFQ_10686357_Supply Delivery and Printing of Tarpaulin for 4Ps ARTA Flow Chart for the Implementation of NSCP 2023-2025
      97. RFQ_10686452_Supply and Delivery of Umbrella for DSWD Partners Beneficiaries for Radio Program Campaigns and Information Caravans
      98. RFQ_10686452_Supply and Delivery of Umbrella for DSWD Partners, Beneficiaries for Radio Program, Campaigns, and Information Caravans
      99. RFQ_10686528_Catering Services for Batch 1 & 2 Orientation on DSWD's Guidelines on the implementation of the DSWD Brand Design for SMU
      100. RFQ_10690313_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for DRMD
      101. RFQ_10690742_Supply and Delivery of Conference Chair and Table for DSWD FO X Conference Room
      102. RFQ_10691560_Supply and Delivery of Toner with free use of Photocopier Machine for RICTMS
      103. RFQ_10694999_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Salay MisOr
      104. RFQ_10694999_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Salay, Mis.Or.
      105. RFQ_10695293_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Binuangan MisOr
      106. RFQ_10695293_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Binuangan,Mis.Or.
      107. RFQ_10695838_Catering Services for the Conduct of KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Kolambugan LDN
      108. RFQ_10695998_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Kinoguitan MisOr
      109. RFQ_10695998_Catering Services for the Conduct of KC-NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Kinoguitan,Mis.Or.
      110. RFQ_10696143_Catering Services for the Conduct of KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Calamba MisOcc
      111. RFQ_10696143_Catering Services for the Conduct of KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Calamba, Mis.Occ.
      112. RFQ_10696301_Catering Services for the Conduct of KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP AF for Group 4 Phase 2 Municipality of Baungon Bukidnon
      113. RFQ_10698843_Supply and Delivery of Maintenance Supplies for GSS
      114. RFQ_10700584_Supply and Delivery of Corrugated Box for RAMS use
      115. RFQ_10700799_Supply and Delivery of Storage Box for AICS use
      116. RFQ_10700883_Vehicle Parts and Services for GSU
      117. RFQ_10701291_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for KC-KKB
      118. RFQ_10704045_Supply and Delivery of Angels in Red Vests Merchandise for the DSWD FO X
      119. RFQ_10713410_Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for RHW use
      120. RFQ_10713444_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for SFP
      121. RFQ_10713486_Supply and Delivery of Inks for CIS AICS use
      122. RFQ_10724242_Supply and Delivery of Toners for FMD use
      123. RFQ_10726509_Supply and Delivery of Brochures Flyers for SMU use
      124. RFQ_10726999_Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for Welfare Unit use
      125. RFQ_10731376_Supply and Delivery of Cartridge etc for HRMDD-PAS
      126. RFQ_10731421_Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for Bahay Silungan
      127. RFQ_10732083_Supply and Delivery of Baking Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      128. RFQ_10735613_Catering Services for BAC Meetings for 2nd Quarter
      129. RFQ_10742559_1 meal and 2 snacks for the Community Assenblies Orientation with Beneficiaries (TARAKA)
      130. RFQ_10762856_Supply and Delivery of Inks for BACSec Use
      131. RFQ_10767622_Van Rental for PDPS Mid Year Performance Review
      132. RFQ_10768349_Supply and Delivery of Electrical Supplies for GSS
      133. RFQ_10768523_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for DSWD FO X
      134. RFQ_10771341_Supply and Delivery of Grass Cutter and Washing Machine for Bahay Silungan Use
      135. RFQ_10771409_Supply and Delivery of Weighing Scale for BangUn use
      136. RFQ_10771493_Catering Services for TARA-BASA Orientation with Beneficiaries (Marawi City)
      137. RFQ_10772545_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for BangUn Staff
      138. RFQ_10778406_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      139. RFQ_10786502_Supply and Delivery of Battery Tire etc for Ambulance 131207
      140. RFQ_10786633_Supply and Delivery of Hardware Supplies for GSS Stockpile
      141. RFQ_10787212_Supply and Delivery of Premium Rice for 1st Semester 2024 for CRCF
      142. RFQ_10787277_Supply and Delivery of Premium Rice for 2nd Semester 2024 for CRCF
      143. RFQ_10787871_Supply and Delivery of Toilet Essentials for GSS
      144. RFQ_10788005_Supply and Delivery of Grocery Items for Bahay Silungan
      145. RFQ_10789828_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for RRCY use 1st semester
      146. RFQ_10789879_Supply and Delivery of Office Table and Executive Chair for RICTMS
      147. RFQ_10789961_Supply and Delivery of 1st Semester 2024 Clothing Supplies for RRCY
      148. RFQ_10790027_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for RICTMS
      149. RFQ_10790112_Supply and Delivery of Employees Handbook
      150. RFQ_10802638_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SOCPEN use
      151. RFQ_10803020_Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for Admin use
      152. RFQ_10811523_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for KC-NCDDP AF
      153. RFQ_10814015_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for DRMD use
      154. RFQ_10814096_Catering Services for Oplan Pag-Abot conduct of meetings and partnership forum with SWADs
      155. RFQ_10814199_Supply and Delivery of Signage for ARTA Compliance
      156. RFQ_10814278_Supply and Delivery of Digital Voice Recorder and Portable Scanner for AICS
      157. RFQ_10814365_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for AICS
      158. RFQ_10814440_Supply and Delivery of Wall Fan for RRCY
      159. RFQ_10814541_Supply and Delivery of Printer for AICS
      160. RFQ_10814634_Supply and Delivery of Bed Foam for RRCY
      161. RFQ_10818284_Supply Delivery and Installation of Split Type Aircon Inverter for PPD
      162. RFQ_10850048_Vehicle Rental Services for the Launching of AKAP PAFF and BSPF Activities of AICS in Region X
      163. RFQ_10853771_Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Signages for RRCY
      164. RFQ_10853896_Supply and Delivery of Tablet for RICTMS
      165. RFQ_10853924_Supply and Delivery of Tire for Mitsubishi Montero SHJ-512 use
      166. RFQ_10853955_Supply and Delivery of Corrugated Box for SOCPEN
      167. RFQ_10854022_Vehicle Rental Services for DRMD-QRF
      168. RFQ_10854378_Supply and Delivery of Continous Paper for Personnel use
      169. RFQ_10854553_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance of Ford Ranger SKA 358
      170. RFQ_10854656_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Hyudai Starex SFH 144
      171. RFQ_10854778_Removal of Existing Panel Doors and Installation of ED Swing Glass Door in Aluminum Frame at RAMS
      172. RFQ_10854831_Repair and Maintenance of Isuzu Dmax SAB 4902
      173. RFQ_10854909_Vehicle Parts and Maintenance for Toyota Ambulance A9T 684
      174. RFQ_10854960_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Ambulance P2S-771
      175. RFQ_10856831_Vehicle Rental Services for SLP Second Level conflict sensitivity and peace promotion training
      176. RFQ_10858103_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for JAC Aluminum Plate # 1312-447771
      177. RFQ_10858166_Supply and Delivery of Battery 13 plates etc for the use of Land Rover Defender SLC-831
      178. RFQ_10858224_Repair and Maintenance of Isuzu Dmax SAB 4902
      179. RFQ_10858275_Supply and Delivery of Paint Roller etc for GSS Stock Files for maintenance
      180. RFQ_10861185_Catering Services for BangUn Community Training for first 1000 days & complemetary feeding
      181. RFQ_10861258_Catering Services for BangUn for environment frienldy livelihood assitance from DAR and DOST and NAPC training
      182. RFQ_10861305_Catering Services for BangUn for Psychosocial Support
      183. RFQ_10861335_Catering Services for BangUn for the conduct of 2024 nutrition month culmination activity
      184. RFQ_10861373_Catering Services for RRCY affirmative gathering 1st semester 2024
      185. RFQ_10861417_Supply and Delivery of Printer for BangUn Implementation use
      186. RFQ_10861447_Supply and Delivery of SWDI Forms for Pantawid Pamilya
      187. RFQ_10862501_Supply and Delivery of Paging System acoustic wall speaker etc for GSS
      188. RFQ_10893945_Catering Services for SOCTECH for payout activity
      189. RFQ_10894491_Supply Delivery and Installation of 2.5 HP Split Type Aircon Inverter for RICTMS
      190. RFQ_10894612_Supply and Delivery of Fabric upholstered bedframe etc for DSWD FO-X Dormitory
      191. RFQ_10894692_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for Personnel Admin Section use
      192. RFQ_10894798_Supply and Delivery of Electrical Supplies for GSS Admin
      193. RFQ_10895096_Proposed Outlet Rewiring for FMD Office
      194. RFQ_10895607_Proposed Retiling Door Repair and Floor Mounted Outlet for Conference Room
      195. RFQ_10896210_Procurement of Deepwell Pump of RRCY
      196. RFQ_10897156_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SOCTECH TARA BASA Kits
      197. RFQ_10897186_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SOCTECH TARA BASA Kits for tutors
      198. RFQ_10897206_Catering Services for SOCTECH CapBuild for YDW
      199. RFQ_10897303_Vehicle Rental Services for GSU for project implementation monitoring payout and other purpose may serve
      200. RFQ_10897438_Vehicle Rental Services for ADMIN-GSS Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and Other Purpose may serve
      201. RFQ_10897481_Vehicle Rental Services for ADMIN-GSS Project Implementation Monitoring Payout and other purpose may serve
      202. RFQ_10897544_Vehicle Rental Services for SFP Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout
      203. RFQ_10897587_Vehicle Rental Services for DRMD Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout
      204. RFQ_10897630_Vehicle Rental Services for SLP Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout
      205. RFQ_10897745_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for RICTMS
      206. RFQ_10897781_Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts and Accessories for JAC Aluminum Van Plate num 1312-447771
      207. RFQ_10897826_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Montero SKM 131
      208. RFQ_10898284_Supply and Delivery of Tires etc for Ambulance POC 493
      209. RFQ_10898333_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for DRMD AOC
      210. RFQ_10898398_Catering Services for SOCTECH CapBuild for Tutors
      211. RFQ_10908358_Supply and Delivery of Sterilized Fresh Milk for SFP Milk Feeding Program for IPs in San Fernando Bukidnon
      212. RFQ_10908887_Supply and Delivery of Sterilized Fresh Milk for SFP Milk Feeding Program for IPs in Kitaotao Bukidnon
      213. RFQ_10909117_Supply and Delivery of Sterilized Fresh Milk for SFP Milk Feeding Program for IPs in Quezon Bukidnon
      214. RFQ_10910124_Supply and Delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for 2nd Quarter for HG
      215. RFQ_10910238_Supply and Delivery of Raid Controllers for the OCP Server of RICTMS
      216. RFQ_10910302_Supply and Delivery of Office Office Equipment for POO and MOO staff use 2024
      217. RFQ_10910384_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for POO and MOO staff use 2024
      218. RFQ_10910625_Supply Delivery, and Installation of 1.5 HP inverter window type air-conditioner for 4ps
      219. RFQ_10911382_Catering Services for KC-Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan - CDD 2024 Oroquieta City
      220. RFQ_10916932_Supply and Delivery of Gang Chair of CIS aics use
      221. RFQ_10919407_Supply and Delivery of Nano USB etc for DRMD personnel use for interview and geotagging
      222. RFQ_10920033_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4ps use
      223. RFQ_10924107_Supply and Delivery of office Supplies for DRMD
      224. RFQ_10924146_Suppy and Delivery of office supplies for TARA BASA tutoring program 2024
      225. RFQ_10925637_Catering services for 3rd Quarter Bids and Awards Committee Meeting
      226. RFQ_10925672_Catering services for 4th Quarter Bids and Awards Committee Meeting
      227. RFQ_10936532_Supply and Delivery of TARA BASA Guidebooks for Tutors
      228. RFQ_10936576_Supply and Delivery of TARA BASA Workbook for Learners
      229. RFQ_10936597_Supply and Delivery of TARA BASA Modules for Nanay-Tatay Modules for learners
      230. RFQ_10936728_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for TARA BASA tutoring program
      231. RFQ_10936765_Supply and Delivery of Multimedia Projector for TARA BASA Tutoring Program
      232. RFQ_10936807_Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirts for TARA BASA Tutor and Youth Development Workers
      233. RFQ_10936836_Supply and Delivery of Cap for TARA BASA
      234. RFQ_10962323_Supply and Delivery of Frozen Goods for 2nd Semester for RHW
      235. RFQ_10962608_Supply and Delivery of Wet and Meat Goods for 2nd Semester for RHW
      236. RFQ_10965065_Subscription for Online Tools for SMU use
      237. RFQ_10965221_Supply and Delivery of Biometric Finger Print Time Attendance for POO and MOO Staff use 2024
      238. RFQ_10965262_Supply and Delivery of Biometric Finger Print Time Attendance additional for POO and MOO Staff use 2024
      239. RFQ_10965315_Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for CBS use
      240. RFQ_10969740_Supply and Delivery of TARA BASA Guidebooks for Tutors
      241. RFQ_10981773_Supply and Delivery of Tablet for BangUn Staff use in the field for the BANAT system
      242. RFQ_10984081_Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Paper for KC-KKB
      243. RFQ_11011623_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for KC-KKB-AF
      244. RFQ_11012833_Supply and Delivery of OLED TV for RICTMS to be used in SOC
      245. RFQ_11012910_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Toyota Innova SLD 700
      246. RFQ_11012978_Supply and Delivery of Inks for 4ps use for 2024
      247. RFQ_11013032_Supply and Delivery of Cartridge for 4ps RPMO and POO use for 2024
      248. RFQ_11016120_Vehicle Rental Services for KALAHI-CIDSS Regional Summation Workshop
      249. RFQ_11018608_Supply and Delivery of Multi-Purpose Bond Paper (A4 Legal) for CIS AICS
      250. RFQ_11018677_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for SOC and NOC TWG for the Departments operation and service delivery
      251. RFQ_11018725_Vehicle Rental Services for FSP Validation and RMA in Bukidnon and LDN
      252. RFQ_11028753_Proposed Clearing at the Back of Covered Court
      253. RFQ_11033096_Supply and Delivery of Floor Mounted Airconditioner for Conference Room
      254. RFQ_11035762_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for CIS-AICS
      255. RFQ_11043784_Improvement of AOC Room at DRMD Bldg and Server Room at Kalambuan Bldg
      256. RFQ_11043840_Extension of Encoding Station at Main Buildin
      257. RFQ_11052998_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for SFP Staff CMAT Inspector and Acceptor
      258. RFQ_11059255_Vehicle Rental Services for BangUn Project Implementation MonitoringPayout
      259. RFQ_11068345_Vehicle Rental Services for SFP Project Implementation Monitoring Payout
      260. RFQ_11082457_vehicle rental services for project implementation monitoring payout and other purpose may serve consumable
      261. RFQ_11082552_vehicle rental services for project implementation monitoring payout and other purpose may serve
      262. RFQ_11082679_vehicle rental services for project implementation monitoring payout and other purpose may serve
      263. RFQ_11082711_vehicle rental services for project implementation monitoring payout and other purpose may serve
      264. RFQ_11082820_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for RHW
      265. RFQ_11082908_Supply and Delivery of Office Table for SFP use
      266. RFQ_11102903_Supply and Delivery of Printer and Laptop for HG use
      267. RFQ_11103074_Supply and Delivery of Office Table and Chair for Pantawid Staff
      268. RFQ_11103137_Supply and Delivery of Office Table for BangUn Staff
      269. RFQ_11103207_Supply and Delivery of Clothing Supplies for 2nd Semester 2024 for HG
      270. RFQ_11103300_Supply and Delivery of Toiletries for HG 2nd Semester 2024
      271. RFQ_11103563_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for HG Second Semester 2024
      272. RFQ_11103923_Repair and Maintenance of Hyundai Starex SHK 752
      273. RFQ_11103966_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Mitsubishi Montero SKM 131
      274. RFQ_11104004_Supply and Delivery of Drugs and Medicine for HG 2nd Semester 2024
      275. RFQ_11104061_Proposed Improvement of Perimeter Fence at BS and RHFW Compound(First Phase)
      276. RFQ_11104101_Supply and Delivery of Tire etc for JAC Van Plate 1312-447771
      277. RFQ_11113714_Catering Services for TARA-BASA Culmination Activity (TARAKA LDN)
      278. RFQ_11113758_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Material for SLP Sulong Kabuhayan tungo sa Pagyabong
      279. RFQ_11113898_Supply and Delivery of Milks for RSCC 4th qtr Food Supplies
      280. RFQ_11113930_Supply and Delivery of Milk for RSCC 3rd Qtr
      281. RFQ_11114019_Supply Delivery and Installation of Air Conditioner for CIS
      282. RFQ_11114078_Supply and Delivery of Office Chair for CIS
      283. RFQ_11114156_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for 2nd Semester 2024 for RSCC
      284. RFQ_11114211_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for RSCC 2nd Semester 2024
      285. RFQ_11114913_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for RSCC 2nd Semester 2024
      286. RFQ_11114957_Repair of CCTV Cameras at the DSWD FO X Main Building
      287. RFQ_11114977_Supply and Delivery of Brake Pads etc for Mitsubishi L300 SND 1221
      288. RFQ_11115007_Supply and Delivery of Server for backup for RICTMS
      289. RFQ_11115070_Supply and Delivery of Portable Scanner for AICS
      290. RFQ_11115109_Supply and Delivery of Inks with free use of printer for AICS
      291. RFQ_11158101_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Malaybalay Bukidnon)
      292. RFQ_11158247_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Manolo Fortich Buk)
      293. RFQ_11158338_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Valencia Bukidnon
      294. RFQ_11158382_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Sumilao Bukidnon)
      295. RFQ_11158455_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Ozamis City MisOcc)
      296. RFQ_11158495_Supply and Delivery of Supplies for Skills Training on Bangus deboning for 4ps
      297. RFQ_11158581_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership and Peer Facilitation for 4ps youth Leaders (Libona, Bukidnon)
      298. RFQ_11158628_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership and Peer Facilitation for 4ps youth Leaders (Malitbog Bukidnon)
      299. RFQ_11158671_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership and Peer Facilitation for 4ps youth Leaders (Talakag Bukidnon)
      300. RFQ_11158716_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership and Peer Facilitation for 4ps youth Leaders (Calamba MisOcc)
      301. RFQ_11170017_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Kolambugan LDN)
      302. RFQ_11170193_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Alubijid MisOr)
      303. RFQ_11170309_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Naawan MisOr)
      304. RFQ_11170387_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Lugait MisOr)
      305. RFQ_11170613_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Manticao MisOr)
      306. RFQ_11170687_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Bacolod LDN)
      307. RFQ_11170737_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Munai LDN)
      308. RFQ_11170885_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Econimic Empowerment (Lala LDN)
      309. RFQ_11175953_Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Cloud Server) for RICTMS
      310. RFQ_11176034_Supply and Delivery of Kits for 4Ps Skills Training in Dress Making NCC at Balo-i LDN
      311. RFQ_11176113_Supply and Delivery of SMART TV for PDD
      312. RFQ_11180183_Vehicle Rental Services for PDPS Year-End Performance Rewarding for CY 2024
      313. RFQ_11183334_Supply Delivery and Printing of Advocacy Material Production of CY 2024 Inspiring Stories through a coffee table book
      314. RFQ_11187334_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Salvador LDN)
      315. RFQ_11187450_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Baroy LDN)
      316. RFQ_11187759_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Nunungan LDN)
      317. RFQ_11200217_Supply and Delivery of Certificate Paper etc for TARA BASA Culminating Program (Marawi City)
      318. RFQ_11200244_Supply and Delivery of Certificate Paper etc for TARA BASA Culminating Program(Taraka LDS)
      319. RFQ_11201421_Supply and Delivery of Toners with free use of printer for SLP use
      320. RFQ_11210480_Supply and Delivery of Office Table for SFP Office use
      321. RFQ_11211737_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for Procurement Section use
      322. RFQ_11215153_Supply and Delivery of 1.5 HP window type airconditioner for 4Ps POO use
      323. RFQ_11219471_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Kapatagan LDN)
      324. RFQ_11219515_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Laguindingan Mis. Or.)
      325. RFQ_11219573_Catering Services for 4Ps Leadership Training on Socio-Economic Empowerment (Gitagum Mis. Or.)
      326. RFQ_11236339_Supply and Delivery of SWDI Scoresheet for the Conduct of 2024-2025 SWDI Administration
      327. RFQ_11236437_Supply and Delivery of General Intake Sheet for the Conduct of 2024-2025 SWDI Administration
      328. RFQ_11236515_Supply and Delivery of Planner for SOCTECH Section Advocacy Material
      329. RFQ_11236693_Vehicle Rental Services for PPD Conduct of Island-Cluster Consultation Dialogue
      330. RFQ_11236760_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for new DRMD offices and ROC
      331. RFQ_11236812_Supply and Delivery of Office Table for BangUn Office use
      332. RFQ_11259696_Vehicle Rental Services for SLP Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout(Consumable)
      333. RFQ_11259811_Vehicle Rental Services for TARABASA Field Monitoring use
      334. RFQ_11259844_Vehicle Rental Services for TARABASA Operational Usage from October to December 2024
      335. RFQ_11259931_Skills Training on Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II at Iligan City LDN
      336. RFQ_11259979_Vehicle Rental Services for SFP Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout (Consumable)
      337. RFQ_11260080_Vehicle Rental Services for AKAP Project Implementation Monitoring and Payout (Consumable)
      338. RFQ_11260221_Vehicle Rental Services for RICTMU delivery of ICT Equipments Monitoring Inventory and Check up
      339. RFQ_11261309_Supply and Delivery of Printer for TARABASA Program Implementation
      340. RFQ_11261384_Supply and Delivery of Mobile Tablet etc for TARABASA Program Monitoring and System Management
      341. RFQ_11263231_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(Impasug-ong Bukidnon)
      342. RFQ_11263292_Catering Services for KC-KKB-CFW Culminating Activity for KKB Cash for Work for College Students Graduates at CMU
      343. RFQ_11263416_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(Magsaysay LDN)
      344. RFQ_11263457_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(Libertad Mis.Or.)
      345. RFQ_11263490_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(El Salvador Mis.Or.)
      346. RFQ_11263528_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(Lantapan Bukidnon)
      347. RFQ_11263560_Catering Services for 4ps Leadership Training and Socio-Economic Empowerment(Tangcal LDN)
      348. RFQ_11273328_Proposed Ceiling Repair for Regional Operations Center (ROC) and Door Repair for DRMS
      349. RFQ_11273434_Supply Delivery and Installation of CCTV for RRCY
      350. RFQ_11273564_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for Training and Admininstrative use at LDS HRMDD
      351. RFQ_11273810_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Materials for TARA-BASA Tutoring Program
      352. RFQ_11281248_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for TARABASA use
      353. RFQ_11284015_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Materials for TAAORSS Consultation Dialogue
      354. RFQ_11303822_Supply and Delivery of Snacks for 18-Day Campaign to End VAW cum International Day Against Trafficking
      355. RFQ_11318026_Supply and Delivery of IEC Materials and Advocacy Collaterals for KC-NCDDP-AF
      356. RFQ_11318146_Supply and Delivery Food Supplies for 2nd Semester 2024 for Bahay Silungan use
      357. RFQ_11318221_Supply and Delivery of Groceries for 2nd Semester 2024 for Bahay Silungan
      358. RFQ_11318286_Supply and Delivery of Baking Supplies for 2nd Semester 2024 for Bahay Silungan
      359. RFQ_11318654_Vehicle Repair and Maintenance for Ambulance POJ-593
      360. RFQ_11319112_Catering Services for the Culmination of Tara Basa Activity (Marawi City)
      361. RFQ_11323282_Supply and Delivery of Wet and Frozen Goods for 2nd Semester 2024 for Bahay Silungan
      362. RFQ_11325775_Supply and Delivery of Red Vest for DRMD Provincial City Municipal Actions-Disaster Focal
      363. RFQ_11325859_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for DRMD use
      364. RFQ_11350288_Various Repair and Maintenance Projects of RJJWC X
      365. RFQ_11351315_Printing Services for Administration of 4ps Assessment in POOs
      366. RFQ_11358913_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for DRMD use
      367. RFQ_11362261_Supply and Delivery of Milks for RSCC 2nd Semester 2024
      368. RFQ_11399389_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for Pag-Abot Program Staff
      369. RFQ_11400068_Vehicle Rental Services for Reach-Out, Monitoring and Other Related Field Works of PAG-ABOT Program Staff
      370. RFQ_11400160_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Scanner for PAG-ABOT Program Semi Expendable Supplies
      371. RFQ_11400524_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 2025 PAG-ABOT use
      372. RFQ_11402806_Vehicle Rental Services for 2nd Semestral ORD assessmentreassessment cum planning workshop
      373. RFQ_11412985_Trucking Services for Admin use
      374. RFQ_11413225_Catering Services for Combased Skill Training on Meat Processing
      375. RFQ_11413334_Catering Services for Combased Skills Training on Animal Production
      376. RFQ_11414218_Catering Services for RSCC and HG Year-End Activity
      377. RFQ_11414328_Catering Services for RRCY Year-End Activity
      378. RFQ_11414426_Catering Services for RHW and BS Year-End Activity
      379. RFQ_11415143_Vehicle Rental Service for KALAHI Conduct of Cross Regional Technical Evaluation Activity for Mindanao Cluster
      380. RFQ_11420694_Supply and Delivery of Money Vault Safe for Admin Division use
      381. RFQ_11421506_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for 4th Quarter CY 2024 for GSS use
      382. RFQ_11429218_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for PANATA ko sa Bayan Awards
      383. RFQ_11429246_Supply and Delivery of Inverter Aircon for Bahay Silungan Use
      384. RFQ_11429333_Supply and Delivery of Camera and Accessories for TARABASA use
      385. RFQ_11429398_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Materials for PANATA ko sa Bayan Awards
      386. RFQ_11432150_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for 2nd Semester for Bahay Silungan
      387. RFQ_11436302_Supply and Delivery Tires and Battery for Ford Ranger SKA 358
      388. RFQ_11442614_Supply and Delivery of Tires for Isuzu Truck Forward SKF-786
      389. RFQ_11442766_Repair and Maintenance of Hyundai Starex SHK-752
      390. RFQ_11442890_Repair and Maintenance of Isuzu Crosswind MT XUV 2010 (SJJ-549)
      391. RFQ_11442995_Repair and Maintenance of Hyundai Starex 2006 (SFH-144)
      392. RFQ_11443117_Repair and Maintenance of Hyundai Starex (SHK-752)
      393. RFQ_11443231_Repair and Maintenance of Mitsubishi Strada (MV 1001-707766)
      394. RFQ_11443328_Repair and Maintenance of Mitsubishi Montero (SKM-131)
      395. RFQ_11443411_Repair and Maintenance for Mitsubishi L300 White (SND-1221)
      396. RFQ_11443511_Repair and Maintenance of Mitsubishi Strada (MV-707766)
      397. RFQ_11444510_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for DRMD use
      398. RFQ_11448236_Roof Installation and Slab Levelling for Car Lifter
      399. RFQ_11452138_Vehicle Rental Services for AKAP-AICS Payout, Porject Monitoring, and Paper Documents Retrieval
      400. RFQ_11452196_Installation of Canopy and Gasket for Emergency Exits and Stair Glass Wall Sealant re-application for Kalambuan Bldg
      401. RFQ_11465788_Supply and Delivery of Janitorial Supplies for 4th Quarter for GSS use
      402. RFQ_11506571_Supply and Delivery of NES Booklet
      403. RFQ_11506675_Supply and Delivery of Laptop and Printer for PAMANA-LGU LED use (1)
      404. RFQ_11506775_Supply and Delivery of Office Table for PAMANA-LGU LED use
      405. RFQ_11511210_Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment for RAMS use
      406. RFQ_11512217_Supply, Delivery and Installation of Air-Conditioning Units for CRCF
      407. RFQ_11512976_Vehicle Rental Services for Walang Gutom Program
      408. RFQ_11514353_Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Glass Wall and Wall Padding for CRCF
      409. RFQ_11515702_Supply and Delivery of Gift and Care Items for CRCF use
      410. RFQ_11542832_Proposed Pull-out of Generators from Existing Powerhouse
      411. RFQ_11562900_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for RRCY
      412. RFQ_11562955_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for RRCY
      413. RFQ_11614883_Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirts for field work of DSWD FO X Staff
      414. RFQ_11616876_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for TAAORSS use
      415. RFQ_11619345_Rehabilitation of Comfort Rooms and Construction of Septic Tank for RRCY
      416. RFQ_11619466_Proposed Repair of Kalambuan Building
      417. RFQ_11619564_Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Aircondition Units at Various Offices
      418. RFQ_11619612_Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Aircondition Unit for COA office

        RFQ 2025

      1. RFQ_11717701_Repair of Comfort Rooms and Septic Tank and Construction of Line Canal in RRCY
      2. RFQ_11718774_Vehicle Rental Services for RICTMS for the Conduct of Workshops
      3. RFQ_11723406_Supply and Delivery of LPG for HG use
      4. RFQ_11723761_Supply and Delivery of Rice for 1st Semester for HG
      5. RFQ_11727975_Supply and Delivery of Inks with Free use of Printer for SLP use
      6. RFQ_11728518_Catering Services for HRMDD Division Meeting
      7. RFQ_11728569_Supply and Delivery on Toner with Free use of Photocopier for SLP use
      8. RFQ_11728628_Catering Services for HG Anniversary
      9. RFQ_11728659_Catering Services for HG 1st Quarter Psychosocial and Therapeutic Activity
      10. RFQ_11731977_Courier Services for Official Documents and Parcels for RAMS use
      11. RFQ_11738113_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for SFP use
      12. RFQ_11786191_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of San Fernando, Bukidnon for CY 2025
      13. RFQ_11786259_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of Cabanglasan, Bukidnon for CY 2025
      14. RFQ_11786296_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of Baroy Lanao del Norte for CU 2025
      15. RFQ_11786316_Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Materials under Printing and Publication Expenses for KC-PMNP CY 2025
      16. RFQ_11786340_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of Talakag, Bukidnon for CY 2025
      17. RFQ_11786376_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of Tubod, Lanao del Norte for CY 202
      18. RFQ_11791905_Catering Services for the conduct of KC-KKB-CFW Culminating Activities Batch 2
      19. RFQ_11792075_Catering Services on the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities, in the Municipality of Matungao, Lanao del Norte for CY 2025
      20. RFQ_11794737_Catering Services for the Conduct of Pag-abot Capability Building for Communities and LGUs
      21. RFQ_11794926_Catering Services for the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities in Maigo, LDN for CY 2025
      22. RFQ_11795061_Catering Services for the conduct of KC-PMNP CEAC Activities in Salvador,LDN for CY 2025
      23. RFQ_11795285_Catering Services for the conduct of CEAC Activities under KC-KKB-CDD implementation 2025 in Kinoguitan,Mis.Or.
      24. RFQ_11795675_Catering Services for the conduct of KKB-CFW Orientation Batch 3
      25. RFQ_11795716_Catering Services for the conduct of KC-KKB-CFW Culminating Activity Batch 1
      26. RFQ_11795775_Catering Services for the conduct of KKB-CFW Orientation Batch 2
      27. RFQ_11795843_Supply and Delivery of Dry Seal for CIU use
      28. RFQ_11795908_Catering Services for HRMDD PRIME HRM Technical Assistance Workshop
      29. RFQ_11804623_Supply and Delivery of Non-Common use Supplies for KC-PMNP CY 2025
      30. RFQ_11807220_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for KC-PMNP CY 2025
      31. RFQ_11809431_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for the DSWD 74th Founding Anniversary Celebration (Gawad Kalambuan)
      32. RFQ_11809547_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for the DSWD 74th Founding Anniversary Celebration (Loyalty Award)
      33. RFQ_11813013_Catering Services for ORD Cluster Meeting (1st to 4th Quarter)
      34. RFQ_11814246_Trucking Services for the delivery, distribution, or hauling of Food and Non-Food Items for DRMD
      35. RFQ_11821918_Supply and Delivery of Non Common use Toiletries Supplies for HG 2nd Semester
      36. RFQ_11822009_Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies (Perishable Goods) for HG 2nd Semester
      37. RFQ_11830623_Supply and Delivery of Food Stuff for HG 2nd Semeste
      38. RFQ_11835040_Supply and Delivery Food Supplies (Groceries) for HG 2nd Semester
      39. RFQ_11835146_Supply and Delivery of Medicines 2nd Semester
      40. RFQ_11835233_Catering Services for HG Empowerment Camp for Clients and Staff
      41. RFQ_11835283_Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Supplies for 2nd Semester for HG
      42. RFQ_11837610_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for Kabuhayan Convention and Bazaar in celebration of the DSWD 74th Anniversary
      43. RFQ_11837676_Supply and Delivery DSWD 74th Anniversary Retirees Kit
      44. RFQ_11837787_Construction of Additional MTA Office
      45. RFQ_11840527_Proposed Repair and ImprovementRewiring of Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS) of RSCC
      46. RFQ_11840654_Construction of Additional Operation Facilities for Bahay Silungan
      47. RFQ_11840836_Supply and Delivery of Plaques for Recognition of POO and Staff 2025
      48. RFQ_11840879_Supply and Delivery of Commercial Rice for CRCF
      49. RFQ_11840916_Supply and Delivery of Commercial Rice for CRCF
      50. RFQ_11856158_Supply and Delivery of Compendium for SLP Partners LGU
      51. RFQ_11856555_Catering Services for FMD Meetings
      52. RFQ_11857219_Catering Services for DSWD 74th Anniversary
      53. RFQ_11857293_Supply, Delivery and Printing of SWDI Forms for 4Ps
      54. RFQ_11857412_Supply,Delivery and Printing of SWDI Scoresheet for 4ps
      55. RFQ_11857527_Supply, Delivery and Printing of SWDI Forms for 4Ps
      56. RFQ_11857642_Supply and Delivery of Office Furnitures for SOCPEN use
      57. RFQ_11861555_Catering Services for HG 2nd Quarter Psychosocial Activity of Clients 2025
      58. RFQ_11861604_Supply and Delivery of Toner with Free use of Printer for SOCPEN use
      59. RFQ_11861635_Supply and Delivery of Clothing Supplies for Bahay Silungan
      60. RFQ_11861664_Catering Services for EPAHP 4th Caravan
      61. RFQ_11861700_Catering Services for HG GAD Laws on Protecting Women and Children
      62. RFQ_11861775_Catering Services for HG 4th Quarter Psychosocial Activity of Clients 2025
      63. RFQ_11861811_Supply and Delivery of Supplies and Materials for DRMD RROS Office and Warehouse
      64. RFQ_11861889_Renovation of Old Haven Clinic and DC Office
      65. RFQ_11861919_Catering Services for HG 3rd Quarter Psychosocial Activity of Clients 2025
      66. RFQ_11861947_Supply, Delivery and Printing of IEC Materials for CY 2025 SLP Participants
      67. RFQ_11861962_Catering Services for Program Launching of BangUn with Partners
      68. RFQ_11861977_Supply and Delivery of Customized Jacket for DRMDO
      69. RFQ_11871911_Fiber Optic Installation and Wireless Access Points Deployment at DSWD Field Office X
      70. RFQ_11872191_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture and Fixtures for PPDRICTMS
      71. RFQ_11872298_Supply and Delivery of Various Items for Prizes of the Cybersecurity Awareness Gamified Learning Activity
      72. RFQ_11872404_Upgrading, Installation, and Repositioning of CCTVs in the DSWD Field Office X Compound
      73. RFQ_11880349_Supply and Delivery of Medicines for RSCC use
      74. RFQ_11880587_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Supplies and Equipment for RICTMS
      75. RFQ_11880653_Supply and Delivery of Milk and Other Food Supplies for RSCC
      76. RFQ_11888621_Supply and Delivery of Umbrella and Powerbank for SMU use
      77. RFQ_11888722_Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for FMD use
      78. RFQ_11888820_Supply and Delivery of LCD Projector for RICTMS use
      79. RFQ_11888890_Supply and Delivery of Video Switcher and Camcorder for RICTMS use
      80. RFQ_11894652_Improvement of Fixed Glass Window of Haven for Women
      81. RFQ_11894673_Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipments for RICTMS use
      82. RFQ_11900488_Construction of Additional MTA Office
      83. RFQ_11900637_Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for 4ps RPMO and POO use
      84. RFQ_11909398_Supply, Delivery and Printing of Tarpaulin for 4Ps Tamang Tulong Impormasyon



      1. Supplemental Bid Bulletin - 5 Stops Elevator System_
      2. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Eating Utensils
      3. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_FY 2022 Security Services for CIU Satellite Offices and Bahay Silungan
      4. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD 10 Centers 2022
      5. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Food and Non-Food Supplies for DSWD FO Centers FY 2022
      6. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_KC Center 4Ps
      7. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Meals and Lodging for the KALAHI-CIDSS ACTIVITIES FY 2022
      8. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Pantawid Office Suplies
      9. Supplemental Bid Bulletin_Welfare Goods


      1. SBB-AICS Material Assistance (1)
      2. SBB-Supply and Delivery of Laptop for Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program Staff
      3. SBB_AICS Material Assistance
      7. SBB_Rawmats
      8. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 14th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program 2024 (EPA)
      9. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Laptop for CIU
      10. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Weighing Scale for the SFP 13th Cycle Implementation
      12. Supplemental Bid Bulletin-Design and Build for CRCF


      1. SBB-2_Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles for RRCY (EPA)
      2. SBB_Design and Installation of Generator Set with Powerhouse and Electrical System
      3. SBB_Improvement and Extension of the HRMDD Office
      4. SBB_Improvement of Perimeter Fence with Solar Lights for RRCY (EPA)
      5. SBB_Motor Vehicle Rental Services for DSWD FO X Staff
      6. SBB_Primary Internet Subscription for DSWD FO X Regional and Sub-Regional Offices
      7. SBB_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program (EPA)
      8. SBB_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (NON-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      9. SBB_Rebidding of Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
      10. SBB_Remodeling of a Portion of DRMD Warehouse to RROS and DRCC Offices
      11. SBB_Secondary Internet Service Subscription
      12. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for Centers FY 2025 (Early Procurement Activity)
      13. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Food Items for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program (Early Procurement Activity)
      14. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for BangUn 2024
      15. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Food and Non-Food Items for Supplementary Feeding of BangUn Program (Early Procurement Activity)
      16. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff - Package 2
      17. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Laptops for CIS Staff
      18. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Micronutrient Powder for SFP
      19. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles for RRCY (EPA)
      20. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Non-Common Use Supplies and Equipment (Non-CSE) for DSWD FO X Staff
      21. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP-1
      22. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Nutritious Cookies for SFP
      23. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Ready-to-Eat Food Products for the Implementation of 15th Cycle SFP (EPA)
      24. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Equipment for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
      25. Supplemental_Bid_Bulletin (13)
      26. Supplemental_Bid_Bulletin_2024-06-14-07


      1. SBB_Secondary Internet Service Subscription for DSWD Field Office X and Sub-Regional Offices
      2. SBB_Supply and Delivery of Nutri Combo for the Implementation of 15th Cycle Supplementary Feeding Program