I. Program Overview

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as Vice Chairperson for Disaster Response and Early Recovery and the lead agency for the Food and Non-Food Items (FNI) Cluster under the Response and Early Recovery Pillar of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), is mandated to lead the disaster response operations and provide augmentation to the shortage of resources of the disaster-affected Local Government Units (LGUs).

The Regional Resource Operations Section (RROS) under the Disaster Response Management Division (DRMD) of the Department ensures the availability, accessibility, and readiness of resources, Food and Non-Food Items (F/NFI), and administrative support necessary before and during disaster operations at all levels.

The operation of the RROS is promulgated under the Republic Act 10121 – Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Act of 2010, which promotes adherence to and adoption of the universal norms, principles, and standards of humanitarian assistance, reducing risks and lessening the socioeconomic and environmental impact of disaster, as a concrete expression of the country’s commitment to overcoming human sufferings due to recurring disasters.

Moreover, the Section functions are also supported by DSWD AO 3, s. 2015 – Disaster Response Operations Guidelines, which identifies the major roles of the DSWD as it is expected to (1) provide leadership and coordination during Disaster Response operations; (2) readily mobilize and deliver material resources for disaster response; and (3) be in the frontline for the delivery of disaster response assistance.

II. Projects/Services/Activities/Modalities

Relief Augmentation

To ensure the availability of funds at any given time to be used for rehabilitation and relief programs, the Field Office shall maintain a Quick Response Fund – Standby fund of PHP 3,000,000.00 which includes funds for prepositioning of goods, equipment, and transportation. This is to help normalize the situation and living conditions of people in communities affected by natural disasters, human-made calamities, epidemics, crises, or catastrophes, both from the past year and the current year, as quickly as possible.

Provision of timely and appropriate support in the form of F/NFIs to augment resources of Local Government Units and families distressed by natural or man-made disasters. 

A. Food Items

  1. Ready to Eat Food (RTEF)
    This is a self-contained Halal meal to be provided to displaced persons within 48 hours after the onset of disaster when organized cooking and cooking facilities are limited or unavailable.
  2. Family Food Packs (FFP)
    This contains recommended food items for a family of five (5) members good for three (3) days of consumption. This is provided to disaster-affected families during the first month of operation.

B. Non-Food Items

  1. Hygiene Kit
    Provisions for personal hygiene and toiletries for one (1) month of consumption following the standard composition set by the Department of Health (DOH). This will be distributed in aid of DOH provision when the requirement of the affected families exceeds DOH resources.
  2. Kitchen Kit
    Provisions for cooking utensils as support for the everyday food preparation of the affected families.
  3. Sleeping Kit
    Provision of sleeping materials for the protection of the affected families during their displacement.
  4. Family Clothing Kit
    Provisions for brand-new inner and outer clothing, towels, and footwear for children and adults.

III. Target Beneficiaries

Local Government Units, Disaster-affected families, and/or Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

IV. Eligibility Requirements

  • Poor or deprived individuals or families affected by a disaster
  • Registered or included in the official list of evacuation centers

V. Documentary Requirements

  1. Letter of Request
  2. Situational Report / Disaster Incident Report indicating the number of disaster-affected populations and the affected areas
  3. Masterlist of affected families

VI. Contact Person/s

Social Welfare Officer IV / OIC- Chief DRMD

Social Welfare Officer II / Head, RROS

DRMD Hotline:
0954-3994-595 / Globe
0962-2483-130 / Smart