It is very important to be transparent especially on the financial report aspects in order to sustain an organization. The Project Development Officers of the Sustainable Livelihood Program are responsible within their areas of responsibility to ensure that the association’s livelihood projects are sustained and are functional by introducing social technologies that enable them achieve it. To reach this goal, trust and confidence among its members in the association is an important foundation. With this in mind, SLP association officers of Pantao Ragat create transparency boards in their respective livelihood project sites to showcase the cash flow, projects (proposed/approved), achievements, and other important documentation.

This lessens having to answer many queries, address complaints, and conflicts among members. Any doubts by a member will simply have to verify information posted on the transparency board.
Transparency and accountability should be the culture in every organization especially in all SLPAs. The most important person to lead the organization in setting this culture are our transformational leaders with the guidance of DSWD workers in guiding them towards a sustainable project and self-managing association.

Story and photos contributed by Joanne M. Siete, Project Development Officer II