NCDDP Kicks-off With Governors, Mayors’ Forum

Cagayan de Oro City – Four Provinces, seventeen Municipalities were represented during the conduct of the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services – National Community-Driven Development Program (Kalahi CIDSS – NCDDP) during the conduct of the Kalahi CIDSS – NCDDP Orientation last May 15, 2014, at Pearlmont Inn Hotel, Limketkai continue reading : NCDDP Kicks-off With Governors, Mayors’ Forum

THREATENED NO MORE: A story of a community’s resiliency against disaster

With the effects of climate change intensifying day by day, the challenge Filipino families’ face nowadays is how to be resilient amidst uncertain times. There is no way anyone could predict what heavy rains and strong tropical storms may bring; when landslides and flooding would hit ones neighborhood. The best way to face threats brought continue reading : THREATENED NO MORE: A story of a community’s resiliency against disaster

Supplementary feeding boosts Pantawid child’s academic performance

Cagayan de Oro City — A mother in this city claimed that her child becomes mentally and physically alert after undergoing supplementary feeding by the Department of Social Welfare and Development in Northern Mindanao. Lota Janiola, 42 of West Kolambog, Lapasan here is proud that her son, John Manny, 5, received several awards from West continue reading : Supplementary feeding boosts Pantawid child’s academic performance