The Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) – a residential facility run by the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 10 – celebrated its 31st Founding Anniversary last September 16, 2020 with the Theme: Embracing New Normal Towards Sustainable Delivery of Social Services.”
While the world is currently experiencing crisis brought about by COVID-19, DSWD-10 continues to take measures in protecting the rights of children, especially those who are under its custody and residing temporarily in the RSCC.
As one of the lead agencies that respond during emergencies, the DSWD-10 makes sure that that each vulnerable sector, including children, are provided with appropriate care and interventions while they cope with the effects of the coronavirus.
Despite this trying times, RSCC continuously operate 24 hours serving its children residents. Aside from the preventive measures being followed by the employees of the Regional Office, RSCC also observes some preventive measures to ensure the health and welfare of its staff and residents.
History of RSCC
The Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) was established in October 1988with the demands of increasing number of children abandoned in hospitals and other places. The facility then started its operation in November 9, 1988. It was temporarily housed at Tahanan ng Kabataan located at J.R. Borja Memorial City Hospital Compound, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, while plans were being made for the construction of permanent building.
Due to the increase number of admissions, the facility was transferred to its new building at Macanhan, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City on September 15, 1989. On December 17, 2011the old RSCC building was vacated and transferred to its newly constructed building within the compound of DSWD Field Office 10 located at Masterson Avenue, Upper Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City after the devastation brought about by Typhoon Sendong which has caused damaged to the residential facility and pertinent records of children.
Ever since that year, RSCC continue to provide appropriate care and interventions to those children in need of special protection and explore all possible means for them to be placed-out to their respective families, or placement through foster care or adoption which one-on-one care is beneficial for their wholesome growth and development.
On December 29, 2014, RSCC was granted with its Certificate of Accreditation Third Levelfor having been satisfactorily complied the implementation of Residential-Based Programs and Services for Children. On December 5, 2019, RSCC received its seven (7) years Certificate of Accreditation from the Standards Bureau for sustaining the quality service to its clientele.
The RSCC in Region 10 was established pursuant to the provisions embodied in the Presidential Decree No. 603 otherwise known as the “Child and Youth Welfare Code” which states “The child is one of the most important assets of the nation, every effort shall be exerted to promote his welfare and enhance his opportunities for a useful and happy life.” With the support of the management, all the needed services to attain the interventions for the total rehabilitation of every child were acquired and provided. (Contributed by Faith Sabulana and Sean Pamela Balais, DSWD)