Former habal-habal driver now owns hog fattening farm

It started as a dream. Determination, perseverance, and sacrifices fuel achieving a dream business for a 4Ps household in Barangay Mamalad, Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Amarcy Tagalogon is married to a driver of motor-for-hire, locally known as habal-habal. The couple worked together for additional income for their family, such as hog fattening, copra buy and sell, continue reading : Former habal-habal driver now owns hog fattening farm

DSWD FO X catalyzes Provincial Convergence in Lanao del Norte through EPAHP

[Tubod, Lanao del Norte] – The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office X (DSWD FO X) activates the provincial convergence through the Regional Memorandum of Understanding (RMOU) Ceremonial Signing facilitated by the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) program to combat hunger and poverty in Kalimudan Hall, Lanao del Norte. DSWD FO continue reading : DSWD FO X catalyzes Provincial Convergence in Lanao del Norte through EPAHP

Independent Committee monitors 4Ps implementation in Camiguin

The Regional Independent Monitoring Committee (RIMC) of the 4Ps (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) has monitored the program implementation on Camiguin Island. The RIMC’s learning field visit aims to understand better the program implementation processes, mechanisms, and impact in Catarman, Camiguin. 4Ps Institutional Project Development Officer Pablo Manuel Toñido said, “the committee wants to look at continue reading : Independent Committee monitors 4Ps implementation in Camiguin

4Ps helps Magdales Family improve their life

In the peaceful Barangay Tagdo of Mambajao, Camiguin, Lynn and Pablito Magdales, a dedicated couple, have woven an inspiring tale of determination, love, and unwavering support that has transformed the trajectory of their family’s future, thanks to the assistance of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Born in 1976, Lynn Laway Magdales and her husband continue reading : 4Ps helps Magdales Family improve their life

Former grantee says 4Ps teaches him life lessons to persevere

A tale of resilience and triumph emerges as 23-year-old Charlemayne S. Fabe, a former Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program beneficiary, defies the odds to achieve academic excellence and pursue his passion for education in Camiguin Province. Charlemayne began amidst financial challenges, being the fourth child among seven siblings. Determined to overcome obstacles, he worked from a continue reading : Former grantee says 4Ps teaches him life lessons to persevere